do you have any recipes that are really cheap?

United States
March 31, 2007 10:37am CST
i love to cook and always looking for new things to try. we are a family of 4 and cant afford 10.00 steaks each etc. i have found though that some of the cheapest things are really good. my husband the other night made dinner and he didnt know what he was putting to gether but it turned out so good. thought i would share it and if you have any that you can feed like a family of 4 on that cost under 5.00 or so please share. 1lb hamburger 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 cup milk small bag of tator tots fry the hamburger and cramble it really small place the tator tots in a pan for baking in another bowl mix hamburger soup and milk. then pour that on top of the tator tots add salt and pepper to taste then another layer of tator tots put in overn at 350 till tator tots are brown on top about 45 mins it is really good and cost us about 5.00 to feed us all.
4 responses
• United States
31 Mar 07
I too am on a tight budget and look for frugal ways to feed my family. I have many cookbooks and love sharing recipes! Here are some tips I have learned to help save some money and minimize wasting food as much as possible. If you have any particular recipe in mind, let me know. Maybe I can find it for ya! TIPS *We often have one leftover night a week. I just heat everything up and serve it buffet style on the table. That helps use it up without it expiring in the fridge. *I cook large pieces of meat on occasion, such as a roast or a whole chicken. I often take those leftovers/carcases with meat remaining and change the whole face of it and make a new meal. For instance, with the chicken, I will simmer the carcas until all the meat falls off the bone. There usually is quite a bit! I take that and make chicken salad or use the chicken in enchiladas or a casserole. For the leftover roast, I often shred that and make barbecue beef sandwiches or use that meat for storganoff. *Late bake or almost stale bread is excellent for French toast. We use it when it is almost time to throw it out, and it is no longer fresh enough for sandwiches. You can also dry the bread out completely by leaving uncovered on a plate on your counter and use it as crumbs for a meatloaf. Also, cut them in squares before drying and then let them sit out on the plate. Drizzle with butter and add garlic and parmesan and make some homemade croutons! (And then bake until hardened.) There are some tips we use to help cut the cost of store bought foods. Hope it helps a little!
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 07
that does help. never thought about the bread part. we use alot of bread with our meals cause it is a great filler lol. i have a eating machine for a kid. lol teenssssssssssss.
• India
31 Mar 07
If you have any waste vegetables or meats you can make good soups with them. Or you can mix them in 1 or 2 eggs and try to make some delicious omlets
• India
31 Mar 07
Try this out. you will find it useful
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@brimia (6581)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Some cheap things I like to fix are beans and rice, lentil stew, veggie stir fry (made with $1 frozen vegetables and rice), and pasta and canned tomato/sauce.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
31 Mar 07
we make that all the time its yummy....if your loking for easy cheap recipes try the hillbilly housewife site...ive found alot of great recipes on it...and alot of useful tips
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 07
i tried the site today thank you it had some funny ones it there too. i could be a spoke person for that site lol