April 1, 2007 9:46am CST
we all know that feminine magazines are about fashion, and more importantly "curing" or getting a love life. but nowadays, i think it's just a placebo. 1. men can also read the magazines, they'll have tips on how to impress a woman but not to really love her. 2. those magazines tell women how to understand or "decode" a guy therefore putting much priority on men's feelings rather than the other way around. 3. more often, those magazines justify or rationalize men's wrongdoings such as men-looking-for-the-one. ok, all of us want to know who the one is, but you don't have to play with at least 100 girls to know, right? 4. aside from giving tips to impress women, it also give tips to impress men which are most likely improving your looks based on those magazine's standards. (which of course helps to their advertising strategies) there are more reasons why we should think feminine magazines. i have thought of 4, how about you?
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