is it okay to have a BF/GF immediately after a longtime relationship??

United States
April 3, 2007 10:14am CST
my sister was asking for my opinion for that 'coz her friend just broke up with her BF, then not less than a week she found someone else..for me i think it's okay as long as she is happy and sure about her feelings for the guy.there's nothing wrong with that anyway it happend after the relationship ended.she should be proud 'coz she easily moved on.. :)
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4 responses
• Australia
4 Apr 07
I think its ok, as long as ur sister has moved on, u didnt say wether she dumped him or if it was a mutual decision or nething, so depending on the circumstance it culd be. I dated someone for a year, we broke up, and i was amazed to find two weeks later i was with someone again, so it does happen i guess,
• United States
4 Apr 07
i think he is the reason why they broke up.. 'coz she realize she loves this guy more than her ex.. thanks anyway!
@NiKe_bOi (165)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Well.. I think it is not okay to have another relationship after a longtime relationship.. it is because the feeling might be because you are not used to being single and you just want someone by your side.. it is not fair for the other one who has feelings for you.. You may also tend to compare with the last relationship.. it is best to get to know the new person more before starting another relationship.. you will onli cause pain to the person who likes you previously and i think it is not fair for the person too.. other pple who see you get involved in another relationship may see you as a flirt and may spread rumours about you.. so it is better to be alone for a period of time and set your priority first before moving on with another relationship..
• United States
4 Apr 07
lets just say maybe she's not happy with her past relationship.. and she thinks he's not the right guy for him and found the real love and happiness she's looking with her new BF.
• United States
3 Apr 07
I think that's OK but they're called rebound relatiohships and from what I've heard, usually don't last. But I also think that it's important for anyone to give themselves time to heal after getting out of a long term relationship.
• United States
4 Apr 07
i also told her to be sure on what she feels for the guy but she said she's very sure with her decision and he really loves the guy.. actually he's the reason why she decided to end her past relationship..
• Philippines
30 May 07
it depends on how long does it takes you to move on. :D