who do you love more your mom or your dad??

United States
April 3, 2007 10:29am CST
i remember when i was a kid i am always asked who i love more my dad or my mom and i always answered my mom.. maybe because my dad left my mom when she was pregnant with me to work abroad.he just came back when i was 2 then after a few months left again then came back when i was 4 then left again unil i was 10 that's the last time and never left us again. that's why i love my mom more THEN. i remember i saw my dad crying to my mom 'coz i don't like him.. i treat him as if he's someone else i don't really know. i feel guilty about it.. then i grew older i've realized the sacrifices done by my dad just to give us good future.. now when im asked who i love more i know the best answer is BOTH! :)
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5 responses
@ronreyes (4724)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
I cannot pick one because I love them both. For me, they're the best parents in the whole world. They are very understanding, loving, and they are raising us with a Christian mind and heart. They left us before, but it's completely understandable because they left us for them to work for our own benefit and also for our future. I'm really thankful that we're experiencing a good life now and my parents really played a great part for us to attain that. I feel really blessed to have a parents like them. - Ron Reyes www.ronreyes.co.nr
@bongQ78 (94)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
of course i love my mom more coz she stood by me from the bottom to the top most of my life
• United States
3 Apr 07
I have to say that I love my father more. He was not really around much when I was growing up. He drove a semi-truck and was gone weeks at a time. He was however always there whenever we needed him and he would drop everything to come help, no questions asked. He passed away 5 years ago from a heart attack. I miss him very much!
@rhinoboy (2129)
3 Apr 07
my mother. My father and she separated when I was a baby, and although I always visited him and love him too, he was never really a full time parent to me so my mother always takes first place
@natalie1981 (1995)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
I do love them both very much but I tend to lean on my mother most even if she did punish us the most when we were kids. I really don't know, maybe it's because my mom and I have gotten closer these past few years and we shared a really dramatic moment back then.