Do you really pay attention to what your friends write on mylot.

@avonrep1 (1862)
United States
April 3, 2007 8:53pm CST
I have been doing online stuff to earn extra money here and there. It is funny. I am not going to mention who it is or anything, but there is a person on mylot, that shows these checks but always writes about how much money he is says he makes online. The thing is though. One day he will say he has made $2896.00 for a particular month, but the next day he post that he made $2103. for that same month. Come on now get real. This person has posted 1,000s of time with 89% being about how much money he has made online. I make money online also. I don't want to compromise my computer or my personal information to do this. I do PTC's, PTR's, epinions, mylot. I have only been able to find a handful of these type of sites that are really legit. Ones that don't have a catch, that if you join you get adware or spyware on your computer. And many of these type of sites are just fronts to steal your credit card or banking information. I spend an hour to an hour and a half a day online making money. I make an extra $150. to $200. extra a month, but get real, how can you make more money one day and the next make a different amount that is lower. It reminds me of the story of the boy who cried wolf. How long is it going to take for people to relieze that they need to use virus protection, they also need Adware and Spyware protect. USE it. Alot of people disable it because it pops of things to ask permission. No wonder there has been an increase of ID theft in America and around the world. There are sites out there that pays. Be careful though, some of these sites will put adware or spyware on your computer. Okay I have talked about more than one thing here. So basically I am wondering. Have you seen people tell a story then tell it again with the details so different you know they are lying and not being truthful?
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3 responses
• United States
4 Apr 07
I try hard to pay close attention to my friends on mylot. I especially try if I notice they are writing on my posts a lot. I don't worry about if they are telling stories or not because even if they are, it tells me for some reason they needed to do that and it doesn't hurt me. I do agree that I sometimes find the money things hard to believe. Great Topic !
• United States
6 Apr 07
I pay attention to my friends posts.I know that there are alot of scams out there so you have to be real careful.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
4 Apr 07
There does seem to be inconsistencies however I watch and see where there may be some truth. It is motivating to hear that there could be some really good money and I am hoping to put together some things that will replace my work outside the home. Seems doable just takes some time. High or low 2000 dollars is still great.
1 person likes this
• Australia
4 Apr 07
Unfortunately, I don't have many friends on MyLot, so there really aren't that many discussions to pay attention though. However, if I had more MyLot friends, I'd pay attention to their discussions :)
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
4 Apr 07
You are new here you'll get them. Just respond to as many peoples post as you can each day and a month from now you will have alot of friends.