have you guys got ur 1st paid in mylot?

@baby88 (696)
April 3, 2007 9:19pm CST
when was that n how much you got? for how long then you got ur 1st paid n how was ur feeling? im abt to get my 1st $10 paid as i only need another $0.04 more. i have been here for 3 months plus n this is the only $10 i can get from here ha ha..! i know it is a bit slow for me but to me its really not so important as i seldom post too much here. :)im here to make friends n also get some good imformations from you guys. so this is the main point why im here n how abt you? :)
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69 responses
@mattchua (229)
• Changi, Singapore
4 Apr 07
The time now is 10.30am as in your country, my earnng to date? $1.25. Join more then 3 months ago and yet to recieve any pay. Sad but true, to join mylot to get paid and takes 2-3 months to generate $10? $20? is no fun but to learn and make friends like yourself will be great! Send me a friend comment baby!
@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
exactly! i really enjoy making new friends here n you r one of them. :)
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@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
Good for you. I hope my response could help you achieve the lacking points. I only have $2 point something in my earnings. I am just 3 weeks old in mylot and hopefully earned that amount also in the next few weeks. I'm not a daily logger here in mylot. I visit this to update myself and read discussions and sometimes posts a repsonse.
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
thank you very much for you r responsed!
2 people like this
• United States
4 Apr 07
I reached about $17.00 for the month of March and expect payment sometime before the 15th of April. This will be my first payout and I was very pleased with it. It is not too difficult to earn here if you are consistent. However, I agree that it is nice just to come and meet people and learn new things.
@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
wow..! you've done really well for that! keep it up the good work n goodluck!! :) nice to know you!
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@shane_07 (19)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
good for you.im here for the money and friends too.. actually im just new here in mylot.. i hope i can earn more and make some good discussions and responses...!!!;-)
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
yes you should n welcome to mylot! hope you can post some good discussion for us! :) goodluck!!! :)
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@BrainTeaser (1428)
• Pakistan
4 Apr 07
I havent got paid yet,i am quite new around here aswell,its just the start of my second week in here and i have made some good friends and had some healthy debates aswell,i like the atmosphere of the forum in which the debates goes on within certain limits.I have made about $4 yet and i guess by the end of April i'll be getting my first payout aswell.And as you have said it isnt too much about they pay but the quality and the information we get from here the amount should just be taken as bonus.
@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
well said! thank you!
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@angela2006 (1845)
• China
4 Apr 07
I have been here for more than one week,my earnings is $2.26,I am satisfied with it,because I have not enough time online everyday.but I think in the last week,I am very happy.not only for what I earned,but I have many friends.
@rhea_lyn (199)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
I am almost three months here but got $3.42 for now,me long to go,sometimes i feel so lazy to post here and sometimes also i feel to alive to debate to any discussion here.hehe sometimes i dont understand myself thats why till now thats all i get..
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
keep it up the good work! :) and you r right, making new friends here is so much fun here!
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• United States
4 Apr 07
I haven't gotten anything yet. (I've just joined)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I've actually been paid 3 times already by myLot...the first was $46, the second was $40 and the third was $30+ this time it'll only be $23 but next month I plan on having it back up to the $40+ or higher
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
im about to reach my $10 earnings. i only need a 0.05 cents! i dont know how long have i been here in mylot. i think it was only last february? ^__^;; i think im also earning real slow for i dont really post everyday. but i dont mind since im enjoying my stay here. ^__^
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
im sure money is important to everyone here n also this is the reason why we r here. but in fact after quite sometime here, i started to make friends more than posting ha ha..! anyway nice to know you! :)
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• India
4 Apr 07
Still I have to do a lot to get my first pay. Any way congrats for ur first pay...
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
thank you n same to you!! keep on going n hope to see your posting! maybe you can done even more well n who knows? :)
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@louiselai (181)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
I haven't reach $10 yet...am more far from it... can you give me some advice to reach it faster,,,nyahahahha,,,..=).. happy posting
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
from some of them here, they really post alot alot in a day. so you can just try posting abt 50 discussions a day or try to post as much comments as possible. this will really work i think. goodluck!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
i'm just new to my lot and i was surprised.. i'm not really here for the money but i'm so fond of answering posts and making posts as well.. hope to have more interesting discussions..
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
good for you n nice to know you!! :) welcome to mylot!
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• Hong Kong
4 Apr 07
I have been here for slightly less than a week and have been enjoying myself making different conversation so far. Of course I haven't earned my first payment yet as currently I only have $1.69 LOL. But it doesn't matter, I treat it as a bonus while we are making interesting conversation. Happy posting!
• India
4 Apr 07
not yet...i wish I would
• United States
4 Apr 07
brand new here...im glad there are no lable's as this site is so much more different than forum sites and vbulletin type template setups. so does any body have the average pay per post? im guessing it's somewhere around 4 cents but thats besides the point of good conversation and a wasteland of good knowledge.
@Luciea (80)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
I just joined recently. While I haven't even gotten close even close to reaching my first payout, I really enjoy the discussions that I've seen on these forums. Of course the money is a nice bonus on top of meeting new people and discussion interesting topics. I figure I'll eventually reach my first payout...someday.
@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
keep on going and im sure you can make it very soon! goodluck! :)
• Canada
5 Apr 07
I got my first pay after a month of posting discussions. I was a litle bit quicker than you...lol...don't worry you will get paid soon.
@siddhinfo (1500)
• India
5 Apr 07
Yes I have got paid already from Mylot and my first payout was $12.50, and now on the way for my second payout.
@karvin87 (1033)
• India
5 Apr 07
nope yet...but i am just 1.5$ away from 10$!!! and i hope to make around 17-20$ before the next payment date...i m just a month old here,so the money looks gud and wanting too! hope by next month i reach 20$ or more!!! i know i m being greedy but thts y v all ver here on the first day...i really enjoy this forum cos apart frm money , v make gud,true frnds and the knowledge is worth staying back...
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
5 Apr 07
I think I will be paid on the 15th of April. I reached my qualifying mark of $25 last week.. It takes a lot of work on here to earn a little.
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I have been on mylot almost 5 weeks now. I am at $8.40. i am very parttime. I am happy as I know I will get to the $10.00 mark during April. I hope to make it to $15.00 and in May I will take my granddaughter to a movie. A comment I wanted to make to other responders is some said they have joined to make friends and improve English. This is very commendable. You are all doing very well. Keep up the discussions and responses and you will learn plenty.
@pengqing (217)
• China
5 Apr 07
Understood at a glance you are China!Also uses Liu Yifei picture,haha:)You have obtained pay?Good oh!