historical monuments should be saved or not?

@addy4all (638)
April 4, 2007 9:31am CST
hello friends.....we see today that lots of historical monuments are being changed into hotels or other public entertainment zones due to which people create nuisance and they dirty the place too...so what do you think????to that many monuments are present which are not even taken care off...the historical monuments are some of the magnificent works of ancient times which in today`s world is not possible.... so do u think that it should be saved and preserved so that the coming generation could take a look and tell about the history of their country to others???
1 response
@jnetkris (213)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Yes, I do stronlgy agree that monuments must be saved. But i just hope it would still be free for all to see, or even give donations or solicitations for its maintenance. (sad to say there are some which are expensive, it's like their making it more of a private property). Aight?