October 19, 2006 8:25am CST
BREAK-DANCING WORKSHOPS Nugent Education has designed and delivered Break – Dance Workshops and extended programmes in a number of community settings. We have set up these workshops and programmes for; St Helens Education Action Zone (EAZ), Halton Libraries, Oldershaw High School (Wirral) and Tullie House Museum (Carlisle) amongst others. Break – Dance is a highly expressive art form, and is thoroughly engaging, both to watch and to take part in. Break – Dancing is the dance aspect of Hip – Hop culture and, due to the current popularity of the aforementioned genre, is a great way to engage young people in a positive activity. Performance at ‘Theatre Royal’ St Helens ‘Participants gained experience, knowledge of Break-Dancing and confidence…working together as a whole school..’ The workshops promote team work, as the routines often involve groups working together to create a performance piece. The workshops are great fun, and we have received excellent feedback from both clients and participants; regularly requesting that we continue the programme or run it again. Participants are taken through the steps of a routine piece by piece, therefore gradually building the confidence of the group and the self esteem of the individuals therein. They will learn skills such as Popping, Locking, The Windmill, The Windmill and Flare as well as poses and walks. This art form is a fun way of promoting physical fitness (flexibility, stamina and so on). Nugent Education’s Break – Dancing Artists have extensive experience in workshop delivery and are all CRB checked. Health and Safety guidelines are always laid down before commencement of a session, and we have public liability insurance with cover up to 5 million pounds. COSTS: £175 per artist per half day session = 1 x 2 hr. session £275 per artist per full day session = 2 x 2 hr. session
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