Gay Weddings At Disneyland Hotels and Resorts

@Rozie37 (15499)
April 6, 2007 9:58pm CST
Well, I guess now, instead of calling it the happiest place on earth, we will call it the gayest place on earth. Gay and happy can mean the same thing, but this is not the kind of gay that I am speaking of. It seems that Disneyland has been forced to give in to the pressure of allowing gay marriage to take place, in of all places, fairy tale land. How appropriate. To me, this is sick, and don't send me know responses accusing me of being homophobic. I have lived that life and I feel I have the right to say what I want about it and I don't give a care what anyone says or thinks. Anyway, as I was saying, this is sick on so many levels. I am not angry at the Disney corporation, I am angry at the people who think that they have the right to force people to go along with their crap. If you want to sin, fine, keep it to yourself. The way Disneyland avoided it before was by requiring everyone who would be married to have a marriage license. Since it is impossible for gay couples to get a legal license, they had to accept this. Then the gays put pressure on Disneyland to support their sickness, so as a big corporation, what choice did they have. I will tell my children about my struggle, but I will never tell them that it is okay for them to be that way. I will tell them that God frowns on sin, all sin. I am not going to take them anywhere where gay people are paraded around for the world to see. To me, Disneyland has always been a place of childhood and innocence. Now, it is just gross. The sad part about it is that it is not going to get any better, only worse. Are they going to start making gay Disney movies now?
1 response
• United States
3 Apr 09
Oh WOW! I know this is old but its UNBELIEVABLE to think there is a person who still thinks so antiquated. Thank God you are the ONLY one with this opinion, everyone else seemed to disagree with you. I am sad for our future when i hear the preaching of people like you. You think a person whos ancestors were subjected to prejudice because of their color of their skin (something they could not change) would have a different opinion and be more open. How sad :(