Immigrants here in the US getting what they want no matter what

United States
April 8, 2007 4:01pm CST
Tell me, what's your take on the immigrants here that are brought over from Africa, Asia, Mexico, and the Middle East? How do you feel about how they get their way in all things, like their religions? We have to put ours aside, because they don't follow the same thing. We can't put our hands together and offer a simple prayer for thanks or whatever in public, because it might offend them. They don't have to learn English, but we're expected to communicate with them on a daily basis. The Pledge of Allegiance was supposed to be taken out of our schools because of this same thing, because the word God is in it, and we're saying that we're going to be loyal to OUR country. Does this mean that even though we've given them haven, given them our tax money for welfare, and they have all these nice things like fancy expensive cars, expensive clothes, and the like, that they don't have to be loyal to us? Look at what happened on 9-11 if you want my take on that. People who were supposed to be "loyal" to our country betrayed us and destroyed many lives and other things. I could go on and on about this, but I want other's opinions on it as well first.
5 responses
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I so agree with you. I won't get into too much of my opinion because I don't want to get started in a huge debate, but I am tired of the illegal immigrants that come over and take all the American Jobs. If you want to come over here and do things the right way, by all means, come over and have a better life then the one you had before but don't come over here and do things the wrong way. I can't stand when they also come over here and won't learn our language and talk in their language. Nail salons and Walmart have to be the worst for this. I won't even go into a nail salon anymore unless it's run by Americans. They are the rudest people there are sitting there talking in Vietnamese while customers are there. See, I probably got way off course on this. Sorry!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Apr 07
I love getting my nails done, and I prefer the Asians to Americans for the simple fact that they've always done it in such a way that I don't have to go back every week to get my nails filled. I've had bad experiences with Americans that do it. Then again, I live in an area where Asians are predominant thanks to all the Hmong's that have come here in the last decade. They've always been nice at the ones I go to.
• Abernathy, Texas
10 Apr 07
all the asian salons I go to are owned by an asian so rather than taking our jobs they're forging a successful life for themselves which we can do as well. My husband is asian so I guess i'm partial to them! thanks for sharing yor opinion
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
10 Apr 07
Religion hasn't been taken out of schools - it was never supposed to be in there in the first place because our founding fathers (the IMMIGRANTS who stole this land from the Native Americans) wanted to separate chruch and state. I live in Albuquerue currently on Kirtland Airforce Base, and here there are a lot folks from South American and none that I know are on welfare - all work hard for a living. Everyone here, except all the various tribes that make up native americans are immigrants. Are you native american - or at least part of the English who came to take their land away - you would be here a long time. I'm German - technically my grandparents are immigrants. If you're family is originally from Europe and not native american they're immigrants to,. My mom used to be in international development and she found that americans wanted immigrants to come here and speak english - right away - and expected to go to foreign countries and have them speak english - and were quite upset when this wasn't the case. Most countries, unlike ours require English to be taken as a second language. Also, I know a lot of folks who have been here for generations, who are on welfare as well. I can put my hands together and say a prayer for thanks - thats not illegal yet. thank goodness. just in schools as our founding fathers felt church and state should be separate. your beef is with them not immigrants. I hope you don't mind me expressing my opinion though it differs from yours. I appreciate you and your opinion and appreciate your thought and discussion inspiring post. Thank you. I hope you have an unstressful day.
• United States
10 Apr 07
I agree with you on some points, but I also know that the stuff I'm talking about is where they want the Pledge of Allegiance taken out of the public schools because some of the kids in the school won't say it due to their families beliefs. They want to be Americans, they need to act like it, and show it. It's not the past immigrants that I'm really talking about, it's the ones that are here and taking advantage of our generosity and we let them. I'm in an area where Caucasian is the minority. I feel like I'm the one being discriminated against out there now, when I know that I'm one of the few that has usually supported equal rights for people. When I'm told not to even bother to apply to a fast food place because the hiring manager is hispanic and she'll only accept applications from hispanics, I draw the line. I have an excellent education, and the fact that I couldn't get -any- kind of a job around here tells me that something is drastically wrong, and needs something done about it. Everyone in different areas has a different version of things. If you were here, in Minnesota, and spent a few months in some of these areas, you'd see what I'm talking about.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I don't see how we can't pray in front of others. Other religions don't offend me either. I don't have to communicate to others in a different language, I do speak spanish as a second language and live in the south, but I've rarely had to speak it unless I was helping a person in need. Most of the illegal immigrants that I've seen down here don't drive fancy cars or have much money. So really, I don't see how "they" are getting their way. Oh, I'm also here because of illegal immigrants, my great grandparents immigrated Norway, Sweden, and England. No one ever complained about them, but maybe that's because they have white skin. They worked on farms and orchards and never went on welfare.
• Abernathy, Texas
10 Apr 07
there are a lot of people who work the system and thats just really sad. I guess all we can do is be ethical in our own lives and be a strong example for others.
• United States
10 Apr 07
I think you are the most uninformed person I have ever come across. It is rambling dogmatic yokels like you that cause the rest of the world to hate everything we stand for. Instead of realizing real issues and petitioning leglislation from your representatives, you spit ambiguous generalizations without any support or validation. Do yourself a favor and pick up a newspaper once a week so you can actually present an argument with credible merit. I am an american NATIVE american acctually and your pledge of allegiance DOES offend me because the word god is in it the problem is that you christians think it is ok to shove your religion down everyones throat but if someone else doesn't like it you call them a terrorist.
• United States
10 Apr 07
What ever. I am not calling anyone a terrorist, and I think that you should realize that you're just as bigoted as everyone else is. Don't you think that people -have- been seeking help from legislation? I don't care what your background is really, considering we're all diversified. I'm talking about the ones that I see taking advantage of the system, not people that have gone out of their way to make real true lives here, not just looking for an easy ticket. My great-grandfather came over from Germany to get a better life for his family, and he worked hard to get it. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower. I have very deep roots in this country, and believe me, I take it to the proper channels as well. This country was founded by Christians, and they are the ones we all follow. Get over it and try to co-exist instead of fighting against people that have been here for hundreds of years already. I don't have an issue with your or your heritage. I have an issue with people that are ignorant and think that they can have it easy here just because we have a great system here in MN.
• United States
8 Apr 07
Now i don't really know about them all having really expensive cars and all that, but i do know that this country, being made up entirely of immigrants, has a new extremely under represented minority. The average American Joe, your standard white puritan. It is so much harder these days for the white man, as Universities and major corporations strive for this rather new 90's phenomenon which has been deemed important. Diversity. If you're Caucasian, you're not diverse enough to get into a good school, or work for a big company. It kind of sickens me that these institutions really think true diversity comes from the color of your skin.
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• Abernathy, Texas
10 Apr 07
that is so true, diversity can come in so many forms. in general one shouldn't be judged for the colour of their skin by their heart
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