Have you ever thrown things at people when you're angry?

United States
April 8, 2007 4:04pm CST
This discussion is about one's level of patience. I think it's interesting to know how different people get angry. My questions are: What makes you snap and really get angry? What do you do at the height of your anger? Did you ever hurt anyone physically (even if you didn't mean to)? How much time does it take for you to cool down? I believe I'm quite a patient person, and not the confrontational type. I need to have three bad things done to me by the same person before I get angry. I really get angry when someone would intentionally try to hurt me, or have persistently asked for it. I have never thrown things at other people yet. The longest time it would take me to cool down is two hours. How about you?
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15 responses
• United States
8 Apr 07
the going joke in my house is when I get mad, I throw something..not anything to hurt anybody but pillows or teddy bears..I might hit a friend with something like that when I am mad at them but they know its not done with malice to hurt them..I can't see myself just hurting a person because I am angry..people have done things to me that almost got them a punch in the face or a bottle to the head, but I just decided a while back to get in control of my anger and let god deal with them..
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• United States
8 Apr 07
Wow, you're patient indeed. I am curious what was the angriest you had ever been, as in what do you think would be a remark that deserves a punch in the face? Hehe. Nevertheless, nice response. Thanks for that! Happy myLotting!
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• United States
8 Apr 07
...and besides, he's not worth it! What a waste of bottle.
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@igloo85 (150)
• China
10 Apr 07
It is really a bad habit. I should say if you do, your cost of anger will be big. And the other will think you unpolite. Another bad habit is when you angry on the phone, you stop saying or stop the phone without saying anything. In fact, you can tell the one who makes you angry that now you are very angry, chat next time. It will be better. and It is a polite way to express your anger.
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• United States
10 Apr 07
I have heard of other people even banging the phone. Too painful to the ears! Hehe. Your ways are good suggestions at anger management and trying to keep one's cool. I think you're calm and try to see things in their proper perspective. Thanks for the response!
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
I have slapped or beaten my younger brother once out of anger. He made me so angry because he shouted and said some bad things to my mother who is very small. I can't take any attack on my parents just sitting down. I would always retaliate. Once a neighbor of ours threatened my father, I really got so angry that I went to report it the authorities and wanted to file a case against that neighbor. I would have confronted him too if my fahter didn't talk me out of it. What makes me angy is for anybody to hurt or abuse my parents, the people that I love and myself. It really take days for me to cool down in those instances. Normally, I am slow to react and rationalize my feelings or responses but if it involves my parents, I am just not that rational.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
Wow! I've heard that the quieter people are the ones that everyone should beware of, because when they get angry, they DO GET ANGRY! Well, at least you've said that your anger gets unleashed when it concerns your family. You're protective of them because they have a special place in your heart. That's still rational. Thanks for the response!
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@maucute (979)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
If the person really pisses me out that would get me angry or someone saying lies about me or other people.I have lots of patience that's why I just wanted to talk instead of fight with other people, I'd rather compromise with each other than making things worse.. I almost punch my schoolmate way back in high school for telling lies to our disciplinarian, but after that no more.. It would depend on the problem actually to be able for me to cool down, I have to do things that will really satisfy me so that I can just forget about what happened.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
From your response, I could clearly see that you're not the type of person who's prone to violence. You have a strong defense mechanism against anger. I said that because you compromise or deal with the problem. Thanks for the response!
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@crackhead (1826)
• India
9 Apr 07
I think i am kind of patient in that issue. I never threw anything at anyone when i am angry and never turned that into a brawl. Longest time for me to get normal is 1 hour. But it's effect will be seen on me for few more days or weeks depends on the intensity of the issue.
• United States
9 Apr 07
That's interesting. It's like a "delayed effect", am I right? You don't normally get angry right on, and if you do, only for an hour of non-violent anger; but then you dwell about the issue longer (perhaps in your own quiet time because you don't really express anger). I really like to know how people express their anger, and I thank you for the response.
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• Philippines
10 Apr 07
i seldom get mad,but what shakes me out of my nutshell is a person who'd never stop bugging me about the same thing over and over again-maybe about a thousand times(i' really patient and rarely talk about how i feel). but when i get to the point of being furious,i can start from blowing words that could cut a glass. and if the same person pisses me off the next time,any object from the smallest thing (like cellphones) to bigger stuff (like a stereo) or anything within reach, (regardless if it's important or not)will fly towards her/his direction
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• United States
10 Apr 07
Oh, yes, I see the picture. Pesky people that get into your nerves. Hehe. I have met several people like that and I just try to avoid them. When they keep on pushing it, I would go, " Get someone else to talk to" or "Go get a life." So, you throw things when things get to the extreme? I'm counting the number of 'throwers' here. Thanks so much for the response!
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@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I have not actually thrown anything only my fist. I get upset usually when my husband and i argue and i tend to hit him in the arm or something, but it takes alot to get me that mad.
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• United States
10 Apr 07
My mom would also do that to my dad, as in hit him with her fist whenever she's angry at him! I could even remember countless times when my dad would just laugh at her, making her even angrier! Thanks for the response!
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
Well I got angry easily especially those person who talks to my back and those who keep secrets from me. Another is when they fail to keep there promises. whenever I got angry I don't go that far by throwing things to the person I'm angry at what I do is just say things that I really wnat to say like yelling at them or trying to let them see why I'm so angry. I know yelling at someone is a bad habit but I just always get carried away by my emotions and I really cant suppress it just by breathing or cooling myself down for a minute I have to have say something. Usually it takes me hours befor I cool down and it takes me weeks or months even years before I forgive someone.
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• United States
16 Apr 07
Hey, words are sometimes more hurtful than actions. Hehe. I also don't like people who are nice upfront but actually say bad things about me behind my back. I bet people who do this to you are just jealous. Thanks for the response!
@andak2007 (3229)
• Philippines
24 May 07
Your question just reminded me of my sister and our relationship as sisters. I'm a very calm person and also very quite. She is the exact opposite of me and when we have misunderstanding i easily snap because she really is pushing me harder and harder until i really get angry and yeah almost of our fights i have thrown things to her like plates, glasses, and the last fight we had i almost thrown her the tv...but that was all in the past and we remain friends and sisters.LOL!
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
12 Apr 07
I consider myself as a very patient person,I may be upset but I will not even get very angry, I will never throw things at people because I know if you do this to a person ,you will regret when you cool down , I would better calm down myself at a corner rather than to confornt with them by throwing things to them. If I am upset, I will be ok after a short time, may be one hour or so, but honesly i do not have any experience that I am being ver angry. May be I do not know what 'anger ; really is in my mind, no matter what happen , i will try to laugh it off...
• United States
12 Apr 07
You must be very patient and has a high threshold for anger. That's a difficult trait to have, especially when someone betrayed you and did a really bad thing to you. Maybe you don't also have a problem with those things, or have not yet experienced an extreme experience. In any way, thanks for the response!
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
10 Apr 07
I am neither patient nor forgiving. I get angry if people undermine or tries to undermine me. I just write off people who betray me. I don't attack them physically. I attack them emotionally. When I get angry with a person, it can be for years, or just seconds, depending on what triggers my emotional belly. I have not tried throwing things at other people, but I guess it would be fun since I have seen many people enjoying doing such on tv.
• United States
10 Apr 07
Oh, I have seen those programs on TV. Well, those people have deep-seated anger and they want to get their angst (parhaps they're against the whole world, so to speak) rid off, so throwing things would be good for them. It's a form of release. But some people don't throw things for the sake of release, but are really mad so they throw the first thing they get their hands on. So, you do psychological torment -- hehe. That's good in a way. Thanks for the response!
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
12 Apr 07
I am a ranter when I get angry, and tend to rant until I run out of steam, whch can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour of non-stop squacking. I think my family tries to use redirection and distraction to get it over with quicker! I have thrown things on a few occassions, but what I really like to do to someone who has really irked me is throw the liquid in a cup in their faces. I don't do it very often, and have to be pretty hot under the collar to do it, but if I reach the end of my tether it gives a certain satisfaction!
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• United States
12 Apr 07
I can imagine you ranting already. Hehe. My mom does, too, a lot of times when she's angry. I haven't actually thought about throwing liquid at someone's face, and have not yet seen someone do that (except in the movies). You could be scary when angry. Thanks for the response!
@sallyxu126 (1184)
• China
16 Apr 07
yes, I have do that. but only several times. And now I will not do that,it is bad for both you and others. If you thrown to the people who make you angry, you will loss some chance to listen his /her explaination. If you thrown to other one, you will hurt his feelings,as he do nothing hurt you.
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• United States
16 Apr 07
That's a good thought. I think you have learned how it is to be patient. Thanks for the response!
@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
16 Apr 07
You will not like me again after i will tell you,but i take the risk...because i can't lie! I am the type which will be angry if you are unfair,if you act uneducated to my person and if you say something ugly about my mom and daughter...and i think even i will cool down relatively fast...but i will have a problem to accept you again near me...yeah,i am so mean... Now let me tell you that i hurt physically (two faces slap)my neighbur simply because she wanted to slap me first...but..being warrior i was faster...lol...to tell you what happened after this...she ask for forgiveness...(strange,huh??)...lol Now,tell me...still you like me like your friend list? augusta
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• United States
16 Apr 07
Of course, people are different! That's the beauty in living -- of having to accept people for their individual differences! Thanks for the response! Your myLot friend
@joycer (498)
• Sri Lanka
30 Apr 07
Yes, i have thrown stuffs, hard ,soft, big, small... I don't like people bragging to me the wrong things that i have done. I am not patient. But now I am trying to control myself. It's not all the time that i throw things.Only when issues are really biggie. I've done it only to my close relatives, coz i know they will not get back on me, whereas with other people, i don't 'coz i am afraid what will they do to get even.