Any October 2006 Mommies out there???

@nica269 (1395)
United States
April 9, 2007 2:14am CST
Or any other 2006 mommies... If there are let's get together and chat. My lo just turned 6 months old and I would love to have some(s) to share the milestones and experiences with. And of course we can def. share tips, comments, advice, etc. Hope to talk to all of you soon!!!
3 responses
@MJJ1011 (107)
• United States
10 Apr 07
My daughter was born October 11. Her due date wasn't until December 1 so she was born about 8 weeks prematurely. I'm taking her in for her 6 month check-up and shots tomorrow morning. She's probably a little behind on the milestones and she's tiny since she should really only be 4 months old. She has rolled from her stomach to her back a few times but really doesn't like tummy time so it's a battle every time. She absolutely loves her Jumperoo! We haven't started solids yet since she really should only be 4 months old. We'll probably hold off for at least another month or so. She weighs only 12 lbs 12 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. She is still wearing mostly newborn clothes. How big is your little one? I look forward to chatting with you in the future.
@MJJ1011 (107)
• United States
12 Apr 07
The doctor's appointment went well, but she has had a fever today. I don't know if it's a reaction from the vaccinations or what. At her appointment she was 12 lbs 9 oz and 22 3/4 inches long. She is 3% for weight and not even on the growth chart for length. She got her mommy's height! The doctor was pretty happy with how she's progressing developmentally. In some areas she acts like a 4 month old and in others she acts like a 6 month old. He said that it's great that she is doing things that a typical 6 month old does. He said to hold off on the solids for another month. Then we'll start introducing rice cereal and then vegetables and fruits after that. What solids have you introduced?
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
11 Apr 07
YAY! another October mommy. Like i said before, my lo just does not like tummy time at all. He stays on his tummy for a mix of 10 minues ~ if that and then starts just screaming. But we try to give him tt since he needs it to roll over. I honestly think that the jumperoo is the best thing ever invented. I haven't spoken to any mother that said that their lo doesn't like it. We barely started solids, but he's not accepting them as I thought he would, so we're still giving him formula and battling with the solids. Your lo is not that far from my full term baby. He went for his 6 months appointment last week and he weighs 15 lbs something and is 25 inches something long. His weight was in the 25 percentile and his lenght in the 50th percentile. How big is your lo? How did the dr's appointment go? Hope all went well. Look forward to talking to you too! Nica
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
12 Apr 07
forgot to mention what solids we're feeding. We bypassed the cereal part of the 'solids' and went straight to veggies and fruits. The only fruit we've done so far are bananas. The veggies we've tried are, avocados, carrots and sweet potato. I still can't tell what he 'likes' since whatever he puts in his mouth (that's not a bottle) he makes a sourpuss face, so I'm thinking he'll get use to the flavors. I heard or read somewhere that it takes up to like 20 tries of a certain food for a baby to start to enjoy it. I don't know if it's true, but if it is we have a LONG way to go. hahahaha What veggies are you planning on introducing? Did the Dr recommend any in particular?
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
9 Apr 07
ds#4 - taken when he was 10 hours old
I almost was. My son was born November 13th. My original due date was October 31st though but then it got bumped ahead a whole month so he was actually early (I'd explain but it would take up too much space). He's the youngest of 8, well 6 are mine the oldest 2 are his dad's from a previous relationship. Let's see, what milestones have we reached so far?....he's out of his preemie and newborn sizes and starting to stretch a few of his 0-3 month sizes. He's almost out of size 2 diapers. At his 4 month check up a month ago he'd grown 6 pounds and 6 inches since birth. He rolls from his back to his belly and squirms all over the place. He smiles, laughs and coos a lot. He's getting really good at grabbing his toys. I think his two bottom teeth are starting to get close to coming in. I'm going to be introducing solids in a week or so. It seems like it's all going by so fast. Here's a picture of him when he was just 10 hours old.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
9 Apr 07
YEY! and welcome to this post/thread, whatever it's called. Well, lets see. Our LO's due date was 10/6, but was born on 10/4 via c-section. At my 40 week appointment, the dr checked the baby and found out he was head up, so decided to schedule a section instead of trying to turn him in the whom. I'm glad she chose c section, because I heard that's one of the most painful procedures ever done. Anyhow, he's 6 months now and he's an active little thing. His favorite thing to do is to be held (of course) and to be in his Jumperoo; he LOVES that thing! He has started solids, but he's not too dependent on them ~ but he probably won't be until he's about 1 year old. He's rolled over a few times, but decides it's too much work, so he doesn't do it nearly as often as he should. He talks(babbles), laughs, smiles and is just a little jumping bean. The pic of your little one at 10 hrs old is just ADORABLE!!! thanks for sharing!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
12 Apr 07
Mine won't go back for a check up for another month so I'm not sure of his weight right now but at his 4 month check up he was 13 lbs 1 oz and 24 inches long. He was 7lbs 5 oz and 18 in. at birth. Really big babies run on his dad's side, my s/o was the smallest of his siblings at 8 1/2 lbs, our other two boys were over 8 lbs. also. The funny thing is that my s/o isn't very big as an adult. He's 5'10" and most of his adult life he was 160 lbs or less...(he's gotten "chunky" over the past few years though). I'm "going natural" with this one mostly because of all the problems I had/have with our 2 year old. He was formula fed from the start and could eat a whole jar of baby food in one sitting from the first time I tried it at 4 months. Now he's almost as big as our 4 year old (who is smaller than average but the same size as his dad was at 4),and he's got more allergies than we can keep track of (food, milk, diapers/wipes, lotion, baby wash, and even diaper rash cream). He also gets every cold, infection and stomach illness that gets near him. In the past year he's been on antibiotics for one thing or another 6-7 times, plus all the things that couldn't be treated with antibiotics! ...Now I'm rambling point was that a big baby doesn't always equal a healthy baby. In 5 months, through winter and all the older kids' illnesses, this baby was sick 1 time and it was an unavoidable, non-contagious illness. He might be small but he's healthy and that's all that matters to me! I think that nursing him for as long as practical and using home made food will save a lot of trouble in the end. I'm glad to hear of another mom that feels the same. I know there was something else I wanted to comment on but I got distracted saying all of this and forgot! I'll check and get back a little later.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I agree that c-sections are done too often unnecessarily. I was thinking about having a vbac, but I don't know if i'll be able to, since I can't have an epi. due to my vert. being too close together, so I don't know if i'm up to having a natural birth. I guess we'll have to see and kinda play it by ear. Our lo has never liked to be on his tummy, so now I think we're paying the price for it, but we'll just have to keep putting him on his tummy until he learns to roll over without any problems. The dr said to keep putting him on his tummy, he should learn how to roll over my 8 months or so. I also go on babyfit and post there, actually have been doing it since I found out I was preg. and there are some cliques too, but nothing too unbearable, I think it's more of a 'popularity' thing. Oh well, I guess that's how it goes. How big is your lo? our baby was a small baby 6lbs and 18 1/2 inches long. Now he's up to 15lbs, in the 25 percentile. His daddy was a small baby too, and now he's 6'1'', so I'm not too worried :o). i was ebf our little one until he was about 4months or so, but he wasn't growing enough,so we had to supplement with formula. i was a bit hesitant, but in the end it was what he needed and I couldn't give him. so in turn, I'm going to feed him home made solids. Hopefully that'll still keep him 'slim', as he is right now. p.s how did you hear about mylot?
@smartmom (826)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I have a March 2006 son, and I always love talking to other mothers. I find that other mothers are my best source for advice, and it is so great to have someone to share the experiences with. Quite often, it can be rather difficult to talk to friends about your baby, unless they have one as well, since they might find the subject a bit tiresome.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I'm so glad you responded! I look forward to sharing experiences and advice for our lo's. I too get most of my advice from other mothers that have children close in age that my lo is. Look forward to getting to know you and discussing our lo's issues. :O)