Irresponsible parents

United States
April 9, 2007 10:42am CST
What do you do when you're a single parent, and you let the other parent take the kid for some school break and you are assured that the kid will be home in time to go to school the day they get back, and the non-custodial parent decides to instead call the child into school, and not return your calls, and keeps the kid? My ex, who had been staying with me to help watch my kids while I got back on my feet and got a great job, took his daughter for spring break last week. I saw him yesterday as he'd stopped by to grab something from his room, and he assured me that she'd be home. Though his exact words were, "We'll be home by sometime." I think. Anyway, I was trying to get in touch with him at his girlfriend's all night, wondering if there was something very wrong, and couldn't reach him. I called my daughter's school this morning, and they said that he called her in, saying she wouldn't be in today. He's 38 miles away from me right now, I don't know his girlfriend, and I'm at a loss as to what to do. I have to work in about an hour, and he's my babysitter for my other child. What should I do?
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2 responses
@Mshell (62)
• United States
9 Apr 07
YOu should find another option for childcare. I would also let him know that it is unacceptable for him to keep her out of school unless she was sick and he should notify you if that was the case. I think he has proven to be less that reliable. Could you take off for the day to find other childcare arrangemants? You must have something stable in order to keep your job and family in line.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
It really sounds like you need to sit down with your ex and lay down some ground rules. Children need to be in school as often as they can do get the quality education that they need. Sickness is one thing, being out because of an irresponsible parent is another. The school could also decide to call in your ex for keeping your daughter out of school as a form of abuse. I would be really careful about this. I don't want to scare you, but this same thing happened to a friend of mine last year. I would kick him out and try to make it on my own and find a different baby sitter for my other child as well, one that I could actually rely on to be there when needed. Do you have an visitation/custody papers arranged through the courts? If so, I would enforce them. If not GET THEM. That is the most sound advise that I can give you. I have went through all of this over the last 9 months with my own irresponsible ex and am finally glad that I did. I can now say YEA OR NAY whenever he is not allowed to take them and when he is not back with them when he says he is I have the authority to call the authorities to get them back for me. No more worrying about where my children are. I sympathize wholeheartedly and hope that you find him and your daughter soon.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
In response to both of you, I've set down ground rules with the guy already. I have the documentation stating that I have full legal and physical custody of the child, as we were never married. He has visitation only. I needed him to help out when I first got my job, but my mom is coming to watch my 5 year old right now, so that I can get to work today and tomorrow at least. I don't know what's going to happen after that. I know that I'm about to tell him I don't care if he never comes back, just bring the kid home. I left a message on his girlfriend's answering machine, saying that if she's not home by the time I'm home from work tonight, I'm calling the cops. I can't tolerate this, and it's one of the reasons I'd left him to begin with, was the irresponsibility.