What's the story behind their single, What I've Done.

April 10, 2007 9:52am CST
You know that every song has a story, or background the way it was created. As I see through the journey of Linkin Park I try to understand what's the meaning or the story of Linkin Park songs, for them and for their fans. It's kinda funny, their new single what I've done is somewhat the apologize of Linkin Park to Mike Shinoda, or so that's what they want people to think. When I heard the songs from Meteora, I felt someone is missing, where's Mike Shinoda?Too little of him in that album. So came his project Fort Minor with their hit single Believe Me, it's like mike's saying that if Linkin Park kept going that way they will eventually going down and if they don't want to believe him so be it and he'll go. And now there is Linkin Park new single what I've done, it's like Linkin Park is regretting for what they has done to Mike by not believing his words. I think that's the story behind What I've done. Well, that's my opinion, How about you?
1 response
• Pakistan
11 Apr 07
Sorry dude i cant answer it, Even i am trying to find the answer behind the title of the album MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT.If you find anything regarding this or anything which is very much useful for helping us or me to understand the background behind their album name then please forward it to me as i am one of the biggest fans of LP in the world alive ever :P LOL!