What's in a Name?

April 10, 2007 4:04pm CST
How did you decide your MyLot username? Some are obvious and just plain Boring(Personal Names) Others you can see are based on Hobbies or Interests And the majority are just damn Silly!! WHY? How do you choose a Username? I'll Start... My Name is also my Ebay User Name hence the SHOP in Hodge & Podge! But the name SHOPHODGEPODGE comes from when I passed a little shop one day in a remote village in wales, the shop was in the middle of nowhere and sold everything imaginable, Im not sure if your familiar with the TV show League of Gentleman but those of you who are will now the type of shop I mean if I was to say "This is a shop for Local People". Anyway to cut a long story short, I said to myself that day, If I ever own a Shop I am going to call it SHOP HODGE PODGE, so when I started my ebay shop there was only one name for it! Why Not hodge Podge Shop I hear you ask? Well, in the Welsh language Shop (Or Siop) is said at the beginning of the sentance rather than at the end. So where's your Name from....... Discuss!
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2 responses
@foogirl (87)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I chose my name because I love the band Foo Fighters (obviously because of the logo) I don't use this name anywhere else, just here.
10 Apr 07
I love Foo Fighters too - They Rock - Good Choice
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
10 Apr 07
My name is the name of a dog I had years ago and my favorite number as a kid. I used it for my user name and email in a bunch of places, then she passed away. But I already had online friends who knew me by that name, so I just kept it.
10 Apr 07
Aw Thats a Sad Story, I'm Glad CJ's Name lives on