There's someone in my life who's really difficult to deal with. Help?

Difficult people - This photo is one of the Everyman, trying to cope with all of the difficult people that he encounters.
United States
April 12, 2007 4:22am CST
Okay, so here's the deal: I used to take part in a youth group at this church, right? Well, there was this person in the group that I genuinely didn't like. He ate everything in sight, excusing himself with, "I can't help it." He belches. He farts. Nobody wanted to sit in the same room with him because as soon as he walked in, he would spread his farts. He lives with his insane relatives, featuring his aunt who brags that, due to her gastric bypass surgery, she can now belch and fart louder and longer than anyone else. I do not like this kid. Well, a few months ago, we moved churches. So, by extension, I considered this person officially out of my life. Until, that is, a few days ago. He called me, asking to set up a time when we could get together. I answered in vague terms, considering it socially preferable to my first knee-jerk instinct, that is, to scream into the phone, "NO WAY IN HELL!" and hang up. I've got him off my back until next week, but I don't know how long I can keep this person at bay! I don't even know how he got my phone number! I certainly didn't give it to him; I'd rather give it to the Unabomber! Reviewing the facts: There is no way in hell that I am going to meet this person. I don't know how long I can hold him at bay. I certainly can't just say to him, "No, I think you're disgusting, and my life would be genuinely better if you stopped calling me and got out of my life!" I need some help. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've contemplated bicycling into a pole, and hopefully breaking a leg or something. That might buy me enough time for him to forget about me. Believe me when I say, breaking my leg/arm/whatever is genuinely preferable to meeting this guy! HELP!
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