quarrels between mom and wife. need advise.

April 16, 2007 9:49pm CST
there was an incident that happen at our house yesterday. my mom, me and my wife had a misunderstanding. during the exchange of words, my mom said things that are hurtful towards my wife. i am now trying to resolve the issue. but i am having a hard time to reconcile the two of them. need advise, what will i do? what will i have to say to de-fuse further tension?
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5 responses
• United States
17 Apr 07
This is very hard for you I am sure. But, by the bible I try to live by it says a man will leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. I think this is the pattern we must follow, while you love and respect your mother there should be no doubt left to either her or your wife that if you have to choose you will choose your wife. If you [and I'm sure there is] have things to say to either of them, insist that you say it to them privately. You might tell your wife that you think she was wrong about something, but also make sure to tell her you will always stand by her.
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
Its pretty hard alright. I just hope that both of them would reconcile and have serious talk. Thanks for the response.
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@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I agree with you except for him telling his wife she was wrong. That's a no, no. His loyalty right now and ALWAYS, has got to be with his wife. He has admitted as much that he is part of the blame for this mis-understanding. As you suggested he should talk with his wife and mother privately to try to diffuse the tension of this situation.
• United States
17 Apr 07
I can sure understand that you wanting them to talk it out, but may I tell you that this is more about you than you can possibly know? Mothers, most of us, will always try to 'help', and unfortunately that help is not usually appriciated by wives. I have been on both sides of this one, both as a mother, and as a wife. Please, please don't just back out of this, YOU are the one who has to mediate. LOL, you might enjoy the fact that my 90 year old mother in law, is still telling me how to treat her little boy, to whom I have been married over 40 years.
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• Philippines
17 Apr 07
hi! if the 3 of you lives under the same roof, i do suggest especially if this case is rampant to both you and your wife to settle down and move out. It's a normal scenario that inlaws doesn't get along well. But it will be better if you can fix it first before settling down or moving out. Just point to your wife that as a sign of respect, she can extend some patience to your mom. Im sure, you can make it. Just Pray to HIM because everything is possible with HiM and this is just a trial.
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• Philippines
18 Apr 07
my parents are indeed old. old people are a lot more fragile emotionally at well as physically. i think i will need a mountain of patience myself when dealing with both my wife and my mother. thanks for the response.
• United States
17 Apr 07
That's really a tough one since we don't know the facts, but I would have to say that YOu would probably be best to stay out of it. If you take sides you are going to take the wrong one no matter what. They are adults and should be able to work it out among themselves. Be patient and have a little faith in the women that you love! Good luck to you!
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
I'm partly to blame on my mom's outburst. I will need all the luck I could get. Sorry if i could not divulge much info even though I'm anonymous i just can't write all the details. I can't find it in my heart to do so. Thanks for your response.
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• United States
17 Apr 07
That's fine. Just believe in them and trust them to work it out if for no other reason than because they both love you. You have my best wishes and I'll even send you a internet hug and some prayers, too!
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
thank you very much. I appreciate that. thanks for the response.
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• Philippines
17 Apr 07
there are really times when things like this happen. i think the first thing that you can do is to let them cool down first. when they start thinking straight, they'd be able to find reasons with the things that had happen (especially your mom, since she was the one who said unpleasant words). ask what was the cause of the argument then try to analyze who's fault it really was. then try talking it out again, hopefully by that time they will be more civil about the talking. it is very difficult to be in your situation. i hope you'd manage to fix it soon.
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
its true when both parties are in an emotional state nothing could be accomplish except worsening the situation. its a good thing that both of them know when to cool down. we are in the cooling stage as of now. fixing this won't be easy. but i can't let it pass another day. thanks for the response.
• Kottayam, India
17 Apr 07
In your case nothing unusal happened, centuries this is repeated.Don't worry, tell your mother you love her what ever be the case you will support her. Tell your wife you lover her at the same time you have obligations to your mother, and forgive her, and you are the main star so you have to cop-up with the present situation. Once this is established it will be fine.
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• Philippines
17 Apr 07
i do hope your right. I want to put this behind me as soon as possible. Thanks for the response.
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