Rajib Sardar
@rajib_s (4)
Kolkata, India • Age 30
Joined myLot 9 years ago
I am a medical student of Medical College Kolkata

Users Rajib Sardar Is Following

Arthur Chappell @arthurchappell (45002) Preston, England 9 Jan 12
I have been involved with historic re-enactment societies, and I am an award winning performance poet, dramatist and radio presenter.
1528 following
29 Sep 15 followed
Ria Roy @ria1606roy (2797) Kolkata, India 23 Sep 15
I am a medical doctor from Kolkata, India. I do MyLot now and then coz I love the different vibrant communities here, which opens my mind. :D
175 following
27 Sep 15 followed