@allegro (37)
Brazil • Age 36
Joined myLot 17 years ago

allegro's Likes

allegro liked this  31 Jul 07
allegro liked this  31 Jul 07
orkutting hours and hours good or bad
allegro liked this  31 Jul 07
friends vs. seinfeld
allegro liked this  31 Jul 07
friends vs. seinfeld
rafaelpinese @rafaelpinese (49) Brazil 28 Dec 06
5 responses
1 person
rafaelpinese @rafaelpinese (49) Brazil 28 Dec 06
5 responses
1 person
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
How many friends do you have in orkut ??
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
How many friends do you have in orkut ??
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
How many friends do you have in orkut ??
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
How many friends do you have in orkut ??
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
How many friends do you have in orkut ??
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
How many friends do you have in orkut ??
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
orkutting hours and hours good or bad
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
gaara and hinata pairing, cute or not?
allegro liked this  30 Jul 07
gaara and hinata pairing, cute or not?