Why do you do it?

United States
April 18, 2007 11:01am CST
So with all the discussion on here about making extra money, Why do you do it? What I mean is, do you do it just for some extra money, or do you try to make your full income from online sites? Do you find it fun, or do you treat it like any other job? Myself, it is for the extra money. I live within my budget and income of my primary job. I never factor in what I can do or what I can spend based on what I make online. That way I don't find myself in a pinch if one of the sites goes belly up or my referrals don't perform for that month. I never count on the internet money to be there, just to be safe. So how about you? Why do you do it? Robert http://rtsweb.homeip.net/cash.html
2 responses
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Well, I am here because making extra money is always nice.. every single other site I have ever tried I have never been paid from. Mylot is the onlyone that said they'd pay and have stuck by their word. I cant say my income from online is great but hey, its something.. I usually only make between $12 and $16 because I have been too busy to be able to put more time into it. I would love to find another site that pays. what turns me away from alot of the paid sites is that they always want to charge a fee and I dont believe that if I am trying to make money I that I should have to pay anyone for me to do that, they should just be paying me.. as far as referrals go I never have luck with that. I have 4 referrals under me on here and none of them are active lol..
@SACH4ISHA (1163)
• India
18 Apr 07
i don't think i earn much from online work that can be the full time income but i like to talk to people on mylot and that also pays me so i am doing it as part time