What are the collectible items you'd get when travelling.

@inalot (98)
April 18, 2007 11:32pm CST
I'd love travelling.. whenever I can, whenever I get a good fair and enough money to do so. After a while I started to collect t-shirts from Hard Rock Cafe Merchandise.. now my wardrobe is full with these t-shirts. What do you collect when you're travelling?
1 response
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
19 Apr 07
ussually souvenir items, when i was in bangkok i bought a buddha figurin as a souvenir.
@inalot (98)
• Malaysia
19 Apr 07
i shop a lot when i was there too, my favourite is the cak tu cak market (not sure on the spelling). I bought a lot of decorative items for my house.