
United States
April 27, 2007 8:39am CST
I love to read. There are several authors that I've read. When I start a new author, I'll read everything they've writen in order of publication, in case they're a series. Then, I'll read their new stuff as soon as they come out on paperback in between the new authors. This who I've read so far: (w/ exception of what's still in hardback, I read paperback becuase it's easier to walk and read) Alex Kava, Allison Brennan, Ann Rule, Beverly Barton (suspense books, not the romance), Beverly Connor, Dan Brown, Dana Cameron, Danielle Girard, Danielle Steel, David Baldacci, Dean Koontz, James Patterson, James Siegel, Karen Rose, Karin Slaughter, Kathy Reichs, Linda Fairstein, Lisa Gardner, Patricia Cornwell, Sue Grafton, Stephen Woodworth, Jefferson Bass, & Tami Hoag (suspense books, not the romance) Have anyone else read any of them? Who do y'all read? The next authors I have to read are Tom Savage & Stephen White. I plan to read Laura Lippman, Perri O'Shaughnessy, PJ Parrish, Mariah Stewart, Dianne Emley, Jonnie Jacobs & Kevin O'Brien. I can go through about 2-4 books a week, sometimes more. I just started Maximum Ride: Schools Out Forever by James Patterson. Good so far!!
3 responses
27 Apr 07
I'm nowhere near as organised as that!! Mind you, I've just been introduced to the J.D. Robb series (27 books in total) which are actually penned by none other than Nora Roberts. They are so easy to read, I gallop through them in just over a day (mind you, I get nothing else done on those evenings!) and Eve Dallas is one lucky lady having Rourke as her man! (It's all thriller stuff, with a touch of the science fiction). I just picked up no.7 from my friend. Can't wait to get started!
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I love James Patterson and Dean Koontz as well. I do the same thing with authors except I don't always read them in order of publication. I also love Stephen King, Nora Roberts and Patricia Cornwell. Joe Hill has a really good book out right now called Heart Shaped Box. It is his first and I am hoping he will have many more to come.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I envy you for getting through 2-4 books a week. That would be wonderful. Do you speed read? I have read several of the authors you mentioned.... Dan Brown, James Patterson, Danielle Steel, but I don't read a lot by any single author like you. My father, and several other people I know will do what you do and read everything by a single author and then start on a new one. I don't enjoy doing that at all. I find that I begin to see patterns and tendencies in their writing and I spend a lot of time guessing where they are going with the story next. That takes the fun out of reading for me. I read for pure entertainment value so I want to sit back and let someone tell me a story... when I start telling the story with them, so to speak, it is not entertainment anymore for me. Have you read anything by Jodi Picoult? I have come across many readers her enjoy her very much. I enjoyed My Sister's Keeper very much.