I think I have a font addiction.

United States
April 27, 2007 11:12pm CST
If I see a cool font somewhere, I'll get it and usually look at the other fonts on a website, but then a couple of hours later I'll realize that somewhere along the way I downloaded 20 or so fonts and go "Wow. . ." I think maybe I love a good font too much sometimes. I can do this with good, high quality wallpapers, but pictures are a little different. At least with a picture, you can look at it whenever you want, and you might change your background several times a month and see all of the pictures you downloaded, but a font is a lot less likely to be used. When I download a font, I usually think "Cool, maybe I'll use this one day." Maybe I'll use it one day? How often will I really use it? Probably hardly ever, but for some reason I just can't resist downloading tons of fonts at the same time. Does anyone else feel this way?
3 responses
• Singapore
28 Apr 07
I wouldn't be able to tell one font from another, lol. :P But why do you want to download them anyway? Unless you do a lot of printing, it is quite useful. Do you know if the other guy doesn't have your font, the text will just be displayed in a font closest to yours but likely way different? So you might spend a good amount of time choosing a font and tweaking the font size, and when you send it to someone, you realise he is not seeing what you are seeing.
• Singapore
28 Apr 07
For your own collection only. :P
• United States
28 Apr 07
I don't really like those regular fonts that look pretty much the same as the ones that come with your computer, I like to get the ones that really stand out, like fantasy or sci-fi themed fonts, as well as old celtic and medieval fonts. I wouldn't ever use them for text, but in graphics and for titles they're fun to play around with.
• United States
28 Apr 07
I have nevr downloaaded fonts, I usually use whatever is available with whatever program I am using. I change fonts frequently because I like change, and I change colors frequently as well. But I keep to plain and easy to read fonts. I don't want anyone to accuse me of causing them to go blind trying to read my messages...:}
• United States
28 Apr 07
I know what you mean, some people like to use hard to read fonts in strange colors that could probably cause a seizure in some people, but I don't use my fonts for evil, lol, I just like to design stuff with them, especially titles on websites and that kind of thing.
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I generally don't mess with fonts because for they are a waste of space. The problem with using fonts that you've downloaded, is that if you send a document to someone else using one of those obscure or original fonts, they will not be able to view that document unless they go and download that same font. Either that or it will revert to some generic font so they can view it, which kind've kills the whole idea of using those new and different font. This is especially true of websites. If you're going to use them for your own stuff that you print out great, if not don't mess with them.
• United States
28 Apr 07
That is true, but I don't send anything or put anything up on a website that has a non-default font. I like to use them in pictures and other graphics, though. Like you said, they're also good if you plan on printing something (a casual, informal document, like a party invitation or something like that), but I usually don't print things a whole lot.
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