I am in love with a girl from my college -How to express it to her?

@iamdbest (130)
May 1, 2007 11:02am CST
i am scared and nervous to talk to her .please addvice me as what i should do
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7 responses
• Kottayam, India
6 May 07
You say you love her, write banner & show to her.Open you heart and tell you love her. If you cannot tell that then you are a coward( sorry to write this)
• Portugal
6 May 07
Give her some flower and tell her that you want to know her better and go out with her one of this days. If she has a cellphone, ask her number or give yours to her. The fast you express your felling the better. If she reacts bad, don't worry and try again other day. Sometimes girls are not expecting love declarations and can react bad. But they usually think about it better and they reconsider it. Go for it!
@shineison (874)
• Uganda
1 May 07
Dont do it in hurry it may disturb her, just keep close to her, and express her that you Care about her, and try to give her company, not as usual but in some different and romantic way, try to make her believe in you, and be positive and powerful man in front of her. when you understand that she is understanding you, then make a move toward her and say what you want to ... I just want to say that GOOD LUCK. tell me when you will succeed. i wish you will Have lot of love in your life
@zjenikka (292)
• Philippines
2 May 07
How would you know how to express your feelings towards her if you do not know how to talk to her.... Start by being honest to yourself and to her then everything will follow.
@fazelath (1174)
• India
1 May 07
there is no need to be scared,first make her ur friend then u can talk to her
• India
2 May 07
hey dude just go and tell her the truth tat u love her before it's too late.i m telling u coz i just lost my love coz i was a little bit late to propose her so don't waste time and propose her
• United States
1 May 07
If you have never talked to her, then you don't really know her. So, how can you love her? There is a serious difference between physical attraction and love. If you really want to get to know her, think of her as a person instead of a LUV object. Talk to her to get to know her, rather than to get her in bed! After all, if you really get to know her, you may find out it isn't love at all ..but, you may end up with a very good friend.