Help!!!! Neghbor hood going down hill...

United States
May 1, 2007 3:47pm CST
Ok I have these people arcoss the street from me that do nothing but drink and get drunk. The night befor last in the middle of the night I got woke up to a car load of teenagers outside my house cause the son brought them with him while he talked to his dad so they all start argueing of course so my husband had to go out and run them all off. Than last night in the middle of the night the same ones had a party but with a different group of people and than one end up yelling a sceaming in middle of the street and glass getting broken but this morning the glass was cleaned up thank god. The only thing is the cops never came either night but of course we did not call them either but I would of thought someone on are block would have and It did not happen. I hate to be the bad one on the block to have to call them everytime but I guess if my other neghibors are not going to than we will.
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