Are you a nosy neighbor?

@irishmist (3814)
United States
May 3, 2007 9:46pm CST
Yes I am a nosy neighbor. I like to know what's going on around me. These days I feel you have to be. My daughter calls me the neighborhood watchdog. But I have seen a lot of interesting things being nosy. Once I saw my neighbors car being broken into, and I called the cops. They did catch the guy. So does anyone peek out their windows a lot, and mind the neighborhood?
1 response
6 May 07
yes im a nosy neighbour, ive always got my head sticking out of the window checking whats going on, we have police im standing at the door, got an ambulance that hasnt gone to no. 25 im on the drive way, got fire engines my mother is all over them hehe