Virgin coconut oil experience

@alena824 (376)
October 21, 2006 11:04pm CST
Virgin coconut oil is becoming an important alternative remedy. While there are more studies about its benefits and properties, many still remain skeptical about VCO and have this misimpression that it is not good for your health. Have you tried using VCO, either as a food supplement or for topical use? Please share your experience
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1 response
@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
I have used (and am still using) coconut oil topically to treat a small skin problem. I have a "sore" on the side of my chin (just where my chin makes contact with a phone receiver") that has not fully healed. My theory is that I picked up some kind of "infection" or bacteria from the phone set at my previous job as my phone was used by many people (our service techs, delivery people, sales people, etc.) over the years. And who thinks to clean off a phone???? When I read that cocunut oil helped with skin conditions, I tried it on this one spot. The soreness/redness was relieved within 24 hours. The sore is still there but it is significantly less. And would probably be completely gone if I were more diligent about using the oil.
@alena824 (376)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
I've almost forgotten about this discussion, Winter08. Thank you for reminding me and sharing your experience. If I may suggest, you can try applying quite a bit of VCO on your sore, leave the oil for about 5 minutes, and gently rubbing it every minute or so until the oil is finally absorbed by the skin. This could even hasten the healing. This is what I always do with the kids when they get a scratch, or worse wounds. I wash it clean, then leave VCO on it until it is fully absorbed. Usually, the next day, they hardly remember they got hurt.
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@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
26 Jul 08
The rubbing sounds like a good addition to the oil. I'll start doing that now and see how it goes. Thanks.