my computer wont let me create an internet connection

New Zealand
July 26, 2006 5:21am CST
everytime i try to make a new connection it sais it has made it but it doesnt show up and i have no connections on there can someone help me
1 response
• United States
15 Jan 11
hey if you find an answer please e-mail me at having the same problem with my windows xp desktop computer. im using my neighbors wireless router with my belkin wireless adapter and the computer under network and internet connections still wont add the network connection....i had it before but it disappeared :(
20 Jan 11
maybe your neighbours have realised that you are using their wireless, or have recognised some activity that does not match their usage patterns. I would believe that they have simply made their connection invisible to any outside computers. If you can detect their wireless using another computer/mobile phone or whatever, then you know the problem lies with the adapter on your computer. You then need to either update the drivers for the device or reinstall it completely
• United States
21 Jan 11
how using dsl/ broadband its faster and quicker download try looking for another internet service provider