Do you answer every comment made to your discussion?

United States
May 14, 2007 12:54pm CST
I am wondering if this is proper ettiquet to answer each comment made to a discussion you have started? I feel like I owe each person an personal comment if they take the time to comment on my discussion. Would you tell me what you do and if we are supposed to do it that way?
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11 responses
14 May 07
I seem to remember reading somewhere in the guidelines that this is not necessary, and in fact not advised. You should only reply to comments made in discussions you start if the response justifies it, by bringing up a new point, or asking a question. Since short, one line posts are generally discouraged, if you were posting lots of 'thanks for that' replies, mylot would see that as spam and probably penalise you for it anyway. But if you really wanted to thank those who responded to your discussion, you could do it intermittently as a reponse in the discussion itself, maybe summarising the general consensus and saying how the replies have helped you, or changed your mind, etc.
• United States
14 May 07
That is how I feel. If they take the time to read my discussion and comment, then I feel out of respect I need to answer each comment. Most of the time a new thought is added. Thanks for all your help.
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14 May 07
And it shows in the quality of your comments. If you have the time to spend to give each response an individual answer, then why not? Go for it. It does, as you say show that you are reading each response and treationg each member with the respect they deserve as an individual who has taken the time out to make an intelligent comment that adds to the discussion. Where I think the guidelines were sugesting that a response to every comment is not required is where the comments themselves are short, simple, repetative, or add nothing new to the discussion, as tends to happen as threads get longer and there are lots of 'me too' postings.
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• United States
14 May 07
yes but instead of the "one-liners", it's easy to just put a simple thought into each comment. now, i'm new so of course i've been able to keep up with all the comments, however, everyone writes a different comment, therefore you can in turn write something thoughtful as a response to each, not just a simple 'thank you'. i like to let people know i'm really reading what they are writing, and respond accordingly...
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• Kottayam, India
14 May 07
NO, but try to make up to 20 per day.
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• United States
14 May 07
So, elshaddai, you are saying to at least answer 20 comments a day. Thanks./
• United States
14 May 07
Future, why do you say "crazy"? :-)
• Kottayam, India
15 May 07
What I mean to say answers for 20 discussions,two discussion,two referrals that is enough and no confusion then there is no crazy questions arise.ok dear thank u
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
15 May 07
Not all the time. If i have something to say to their response then i will but if its just a general response then i dont really thank them for making a comment. I was told by another mylotter that it was against mylot rules but i'm not sure about that. I think its nicer to thank them anyways for making an effort to respond :)
• United States
15 May 07
I think it is much nicer to thank them and comment back then to not. I feel if I don't answer it is like I am ignoring them and saying to them that I do not care that they answered my discussion.
• Canada
15 May 07
I try to respond to every response made to my discussions. I don't start too many anyway, but I started one discussion that ended up with close to 130 responses. It took me forever to respond to everyone, and as fast as I was responding, more responses were coming in LOL. I actually like to respond to people who answered my discussion. It's only fair that we show appreciation for the fact that people took the time out to answer. So long as it's not just a simple "thanks for responding" every single time, I don't think admin have a problem with it.
• United States
15 May 07
I think that is just if that is the only comment that we say it Thank you for responding. I understand that if we did that on every one they might not like it. I feel each comment, or most of the comments, add new light on my discussion and I usually can figure out something to write back.
@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
15 May 07
I think it is not necessary to respond to all people who commented on your post. But if you are not lazy to do so and acknowlegde their effort having time to capture their attention on your post, that would be nice. In a way you give more encouragement to your responders to participate often!
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• United States
15 May 07
You have a good point. It is encouraging to have someone to take the time to comment back to us when we comment on theirs so I feel it is the only right thing to do.
• United States
17 May 07
Hi MamaC! I am a member of an artist site that allows comments from, people on artwork. I do sent a little thank you but mostly the best thank you for another artist on that site is to comment on their work as well and visit their portfolio. Here, I would think "thanks for commenting, have a good day!" is just fine because otherwise we would give ourselves carpal tunnel just saying thanks to people that commented LOL!
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• United States
17 May 07
I am spending 50% of my time or more commenting to each post that has been made. It is a shame we don't get paid for it. Thanks for your post.
@lamiaa (581)
• Egypt
15 May 07
will , i have not too much responds , but i always try to respond and rat and choose the best comment , but sometimes i find the reply is too short and there is nothing to say about and if i say only thank u , it will be spamming , so some times there is something to say and some times not , but about it can't be a line , i think the reply is not counting , so the important in the line is the value in it not how many words in it , i think .
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• United States
15 May 07
Yes, I agree completely. It is the quality of the words and not the quantity. I have been getting so many responses and sometimes they seem so overwhelming but I feel each one should receive a comment out of respect to them for taking that time to comment.
• United States
14 May 07
I generally try to reply to most of the comments left on my posts, even if it's just a simple thank you. The times that I usually don't reply is when there's really nothing to reply TO, such as people who leave comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of discussion (which is really rather irritating).
• United States
14 May 07
I have to agree with you completely. Thanks for taking the time to read my discussion and comment.
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@wenkinnoc (482)
14 May 07
It is a shame that I dont comment as much i would like, but reading your discussion has inspired me to do so! I really should take some more time to thank the people kind enough to reply to my discussions.
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• United States
14 May 07
Well,that makes my day know I inspired someone with a discussion I started. I admit it takes lots of time but I feel people deserve that time for putting forth the effort.
• United States
14 May 07
i comment back to everyone cuz i, ALSO as you, feel if they took the time to read what i wrote and commented on that, i almost owe it to them. i think it builds a better rapport with people here too. that you're reading what THEY had to may boost your reputation star points as well! cuz i moved up FAST, and think they may be part of it. because more people will rate you, if they know you're sincere, well that's how i view it anyway!! great question mamacathie!!
• United States
14 May 07
I think I am correct, that we don't get paid for the comments when we comment back on our discussion but I just feel each person deserves that respect. Thanks for saying it was a good question, I figured it would be a "off the wall" one. :-)
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@janus13 (223)
• Colombia
14 May 07
Sometimes i do, but generally I respond only the interesting commentaries
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• United States
14 May 07
Yes, perhaps, the ones that do add a new view or thought to the discussion. Most of the comments do add a little more light on the discussion. Thanks for commenting.