have you ever fall in love?

May 18, 2007 4:55am CST
have you ever fall in love if yes than please show your sentiments how you feel is love a good source of enjoyment?
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6 responses
@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
19 May 07
yesh...of coz... its so sweet... being love.. but of coz sometimes its of a mental torture too.... =)
• Niger
18 May 07
not only for enjoyment but only for the equilibre of your mind and spirit...
• Romania
18 May 07
it is very hard when you fall in love ... and it is even harder when you love that person and he don't ... i am in love right now, and the person that i like is in another place and i can't see her ... it's a cruel world but when you fall in love i feel that the whole world is at my feet and i can do whatever i want
@ela2pso (364)
• Philippines
18 May 07
its nice to be inlove always, and always will... forever may be... i have loved once and its the last,,, that is good and i found it very good... as long as i am living... i will never stop loving... loving... all the people and some special people... and especially GOD. GOD is love and he invented it.. Love in not merely a miracle to us but a source of everything we had.. for we came to this world because of love and its good to end life with full of love... love from the people and love from our hearts... love matters but we dont have to over rule our minds by our hearts... dont let it happen love may be good but thinking is the best thing.
@sunjinwei (104)
• China
18 May 07
I like a girl in my class but I don't tell her.I don't have enough courage
@dita13 (431)
• Indonesia
18 May 07
I think I've fall in love once, and I'm feeling it until now. when I met him, I my heart beats faster and faster. I always don't know what to do if I meet him, when he talks to someone that a girl, I always be jealous at that girl. and when he failed at his exam, I feel really sorry and I cried that day!!!! really!I cry for him, and it doesn't make any sense! I don't want to lose him! I want to be with him. He always be in my mind every second my heart beats, every day.. But I don't know what to do to express my feeling in front of him so that he knows that I LOVE HIM! huhuhuhu.... hope there will be a way..