If you were called upon would you

United States
May 20, 2007 7:47am CST
If your government send you a notice tomorrow and said we are looking for volunteers to join the military would you? Why or why not? I may offer some help..but I don't have the lungs or health but I may help with the sick and wounded;)+
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4 responses
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
20 May 07
This is a tough one. Since I am partly handicapped, can't stand, can't walk but a few steps at a time with a cane, I can't put my mind into that scenario. If I were younger, not married, able to do things...maybe...I have always been fiercely patriotic and was so proud when my daughter joined the military!
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• United States
20 May 07
I understand..but I am wondering and always have wondered how many would actually jump into action if their nation needed their help:)+
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• United States
20 May 07
Noooo freakin way! Especially since Bush is still in Office..I Want nothing to do with his War..But im also disabled big time and theer is no way i could..IF i ever wanted to which i have no desire.I dont mean to sound selfish or anything..if soemthign was to happen here on our soil..i wouldnt be abkle to do much..but i would defend my soil..but this war has made me so angry..its time to leave them alone..its been time..from the moment they saw no weapons!! seriously!...sorry..just at ouchy topic for me ..i have lost many friends over there,,and it just ticks me off..
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@wolves69 (755)
• United States
27 May 07
I've been serving for almost 20 years and am more proud of my service supporting the right thing then what we've been doing since the 90s. Politics aside, we've been embarrassed in world affairs right after the ending of the first Gulf War, and now we are taking appropriate action to protect our interests and to preserve our way of life. Of which, I will give my life if needed. I have four kids, and would be proud if they entered the military; however, military isn't for everyone and I will not specifically encourage it unless they see all sides. Its their choice, but one that only can be made by them. As for those who can't serve, god bless you if you support the troops, teach and raise the kids to be patriotic, have them learn the Constitution, and never forget the sacrifices of those that allowed us to keep our freedoms.
• United States
30 May 07
Not only would I, I am. This summer I will be reporting to the USCG Academy and if all goes well, I will gain a commission in four years.