Desert Island disc?

May 21, 2007 7:58am CST
Hey guys. If you were moving to a desert island, what would be the ONE album you took with you. You are only allowed one, so no cheating please! I would take Jameroquai's "Travelling Without Moving" as it is a classic and contains many great memories for me. What would your desert island disc be?
5 responses
24 May 07
jeeese, i have no idea, itd prolly be a HIM album cos like thats my fave band but i dunno if id want something more upbeat cos i was moving to a deserted island. Maybe something i could rele scream along to and no one would hear me :p thats fun. Erm ok so prolly smth fun, gotta be maybe hellogoodbye - Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! thats a good album to keep the mood high
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
22 May 07
Wow, just one? You drive a hard bargain! Okay, if I can only take one, I suppose it would have to be the Fleetwood Mac album that was big when hubby and I started dating. We love it to this day and it always conjures such warm, wonderful memories. The album was Fleetwood Mac-Tango in the Night.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
21 May 07
Wow...thats a tough question to answer for me as I have so many albums that I love. I tend to listen to one album over and over for a while and then move on to another...If I had to go today I would take VNV Nation "Judgement" CD with me as that is what I am listening to at the moment
21 May 07
Hmm...tough. Probably have to be.... Imogen Heap - Speak For Yourself. amazing compositions/mixes. very diverse album. highly evocative.
21 May 07
Oh, this is such a tough question as there are so many albums that i love! if i had to choose one,purely for how happy and reflective it makes me feel,it has to be 'what's the story morning glory' by oasis cos it's a timeless classic.Intoxicating lyrics,unimitable attitude and emotionally penetrative riffs.