can't sleep!

May 30, 2007 7:12am CST
have you ever experienced pushing yourself to fall asleep but no matter what you do, you just can't? hahaha.. maybe that's insomnia! this has been my problem after going to college because I use to go to bed late at night.. are there natural ways to manage this condition.. I don't want to take drugs coz I don't want to experience the side effects.. I want the natural way.. can u hepl me? thanks
5 responses
@lorz81 (81)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
i got insomina and i take medications long before.But nowi never do it anymore. u know girl.i am nevr suffered form insomina.i make a bit how to make me fll asleep.i have to be sure that i never miss of making myself tired,doing busy cleaning ym stuffs,reading books,and then drink milk and most of all when i was in bed i pray for about 2hrs or more just to feel drowsy. and it was effective.if still got not urge dont force yourself.just relax and calm,wait until u fall asleep and even it was 5am very late before u got a feeling to fall asleep or got 5hrs sleep ,thats okay,important u can still sleep in a day and ur sleep is continous, that would be more better unlike having 8hrs sleep but get awake evry 1hr or evry is bad. 5hrs sleep is just okay as long got a very tight continous sleep .Right girl?
@lorz81 (81)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
I make that as my habit how to make me fall asleep.. (sorry i mistype some words for my comments to u)
@student7 (1002)
• United States
3 Jun 07
i hear that exercising a few hours before you are set to go to sleep helps a lot. If you are very active, then when it comes time to put your head on the pillow it is welcomed and you can sleep. Also may I suggest using lavendar? Get a candle or oil. With oil, you can put it on a cotton ball and leave it on something that won't stain, like a disposable something or a plate that can be cleaned easily. How about a warm shower with lavendar soap. I don't know what it is about lavendar, but it helps you to relax and helps you to fall asleep as well.
• United States
3 Jun 07
i have to buy over the counter sleeping pills so far no side effects but til they kick in im on mylot til i get tired or the pills kick in
@Darkwing (21583)
30 May 07
Lavender is a good cure for insomnia and an aid to relax. I wrote a discussion on this a little while ago, which will give you information on how to use lavender to aid sleep, if you would like to look in on it. It could well be of some help to you. The URL is: This discussion gives instructions different ways to use lavender as a sleep aid and is entitled, Suffering from Insomnia, Stress or Depression? Then, Read On... I hope this will help you. Sweet Dreams! :-)
@johnwoon (125)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 07
Welcome to the club! This forum has many recommendation some of which might be of help to you. Try exercise, relax by listening to music, meditation, taking hot bath and glass of milk before bed time etc. You might also get some tips from this site: