Do you have a mortal enemy...Why is he or she your mortal enemy?

The Tiger and the Dragon the two opposing forces o - The tiger and the dragon are the embodiment of the idea of yin and yang eternal enemies and with their conflict comes balanace and order
@nielcdg (709)
June 8, 2007 2:59am CST
I had a mortal enemy in Highschool, it was personal because he made my life a living hell spreading lies about me when I was younger. The awful thing is he thinks it was a good thing to spread secrets of people around. He did this to become famous at our school and to become popular. In the end it back fired on him because he met his match on the girl he liked the most, she spread his darkest secrets and he was marked a looser till graduation. I kept my mouth shut but I fought his efforts too during Highschool by spreading awareness to his sinister scheme...when his bestfriend asked him, are you ashamed of the things that you have done to others? He said no he is even proud of it. Such a waste of a brain and a heart he never knew how to use it properly..
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