I found a great website

@student7 (1002)
United States
June 13, 2007 6:01pm CST
I came across a really great website that I found quite interesting. They pay you to be on the web. It has tons of members and it is free to join. You could makes hundreds a month. Check out the site www.agloco.com/r/BBDK6210 You will be pleasantly surprised.
1 response
@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
Since they haven't even set a surf rate yet, you haven't actually made any money. You should try reading the fine print, if you do make any money, it will be months down the road. Until then payments will be made in "stock" in the company, essentially valueless. Despite the fact that the finally got the viewbar going, they are no more forthcoming on exactly what the rewards will be than they were 3 months ago.
@student7 (1002)
• United States
13 Jun 07
You can use a calculator to figure out how much you can make. I did read the fine print. So in actuality they did set up a surf rate. I don't know how long ago you were "reading the fine print" but it is up and running and yes I am making money on it.