reasons why i'm late...ummm....

@teleios (737)
June 14, 2007 9:39am CST
if you were late for a really important meeting with the bosses and you were given the chance to say any excuse and the people waiting for you would believe it no matter how far-fetched the excuse, what would that excuse be?
1 response
@mysiraylon (1102)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Hey, it really does not matter now that you came late, so why not just simply inject a joke as you are given the chance for an excuse. Put it this way: "my alarm clock sleeps too!"
@teleios (737)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
i think in some instances being late can be a big deal. haha! that thing about the sleeping alarm clock was funny. but i think you put an alarm time on the alarm clock, that makes it the time that the clock wakes up so that it can wake you up too ;)right?
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jun 07
yes it will be a biggy on some case. Nevertheless when your superior knowingly that you still have time to give a reason for being late no matter how you will deliver it to the crowd nothing more that giving it in form of a funny jokes, this way you will never spoil the long day ahead on the conference... Oh and by the way, alarm clocks nowadays "fails too" just like human beings on their promises.