NES Discussion

United States
June 14, 2007 5:14pm CST
I thought I'd start something with the NES. This system was actually pretty good and it did serve as something to do back years in the past and from time to time today. Did anybody ever get that new NES model that you put the games on top like you did for the SNES? I never did and have wondered what's the big difference between that and the original NES based on anyone actually having it?
1 response
@Gousst (3)
• Mexico
17 Jun 07
Nes was ok, but my all time favorite is the snes and not for the graphics nor inovation, just the dificulty of thes nes games! ever played battletoads? that thing is absolutely impossible..
• United States
18 Jun 07
Never played Battletoads actually. That's one game I never got to play. Would have been interesting to say the least to at least rent it back in the day.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
12 May 08
Battletoads is really hard! You have to memorize the levels perfectly! Oh, and the turbo tunnels are an absolute nightmare! I can't count how many times I played that level before I beat it!