Palestinian female suicide bomber leaves behind 2 children

@babykay (2131)
June 22, 2007 1:09pm CST,9171,1617542,00.html Reem Riyashi, 22 and mother of two young children blew herself up at an Israeli checkpoint in 2004 and is considered a hero by many Palestinians. Watch her children being interviewed on Hamas tv. Beyond comprehension for most normal people, one would think. But apparently the real truth behind the awful tale of a mother of 2 young children killing herself and others is that she was forced to do it, making it more awful Given the choice of being killed in an honour killing as she had been having an affair, or dying through suicide, taking some of the enemy with her. So this is what she chose. In a way, this is worse, that she had no choice but at least it explains why she did it.
1 response
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
18 Sep 08
It's a very sad video, sad story. I just hope that this conflict would end once and for all. The hate brings more hate. Nothing can be gained by war or violence.