Do children worry too much about what they look like?

@Vixx06 (162)
June 23, 2007 2:53am CST
I have to admit I am fairly worried about my childrens view on self image. I have 3 girls aged 16, 5 and 3 (very nearly 4). My 16 year old hates going out as she feels fat, my 5 year old talks about healthy eating all the time and my 3 year is a red head and wants black hair. Are kids being made to feel ugly by what they see in mags and on TV. My friend has a 9 year daughter who is tiny but hardly eats in case she gets fat. It is not just girls that are affected, boys are worried about their image as well. I feel kids are too young to worry about this and should enjoy their childhood instead.
3 responses
@dio123 (1788)
• India
23 Jun 07
today the kids are very much smarter than us as compare to us what we were as kids they are very conscious about their looks and dressing, nowadays they get influenced by Television and Movies and also by seeing their pals at school or neighbours today's kids are more develop brain than us
@student7 (1002)
• United States
23 Jun 07
My oldest child is very concerned about the way she looks. She wants to have the right clothes, the right hair and the right body. She doesn't even go to public school. Yes I homeschool, and I try to tell her that she is so beautiful the way she is but she doesn't think she does. I think it is the way media portrays people. They basically tell you if you aren't this size, weight, have this hair and eye color then you are ugly. I think it is so wrong. I try to let my daughter know that she is beautiful and don't let anyone tell you differently.
23 Jun 07
I am totally with you on this one! My niece celebrated her 6th birthday last month, and she had a party at her house. She was dressed all pretty, but her little white dress was itching her, so I took her upstairs to change, and we put her in a brown t-shirt and khaki trousers. I stood up to leave the room when she ran towards the wardrobe. "what are you doing now?" I asked her. "changing my shoes" she replied. I asked why, although I assumed they weren't comfortable... "because they don't go with what I'm wearing now" she said, reaching for a pair of brown sandals..... I thought it was insane that a 6 year old should be so fashion conscious! She also asked me the other day if her top looked better on the shoulder or off the shoulder! When I was six I was more concerned about whether my mother would yell at me for getting mud all over my clothes - I don't think I was ever bothered about what I was wearing!