Increase email conversion

New Zealand
June 24, 2007 9:46pm CST
Have you employed email marketing? If not, why not try it now? The beauty of it is that you can keep on selling to your customers (subscribers only) every month or even every week! And they don't feel annoyed - because they want to hear from you. If you have, then good on you! But is your emails converting? Remember, the focus is to sell your product / service, not to tell your customers that your boss has given birth to twins. Email marketing is not like sending a 1,500 word essay to your customer. Remember internet users do not have patience. Therefore, your design should be: 1. Straight to the point - bullet pointed features would be useful 2. Use thumbnails - if you have products for sale, put a pretty thumbnail of the product to attract them 3. Upselling - try to offer some more things. Let's say if you have received an order, why don't you send a thank you and offer some extended / related products? Happy Emailing :)
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