REASONS Why You Respond Discussions???

June 25, 2007 11:07pm CST
Is it because it is "discussions your friend started"?It is in the "hot and top discussions for the day"?It is "discussions from your interest"?Or it is because you like his/her avatar??? From all my friends here in mylot,im sure you noticed that i have a new avatar.And i started a discussion today and when i read the respond,i found out that he just respond my discussion because of the avatar i have. Of course i am surprised.Lol...Because, i never respond any discussions just because i like her/his avatar.I usually respond discussions which is in my interest and also its because he/she is my friend...Especially if i can truly,give my deeper thoughts and serious opinion based on my experienced... What do you is the reason why you respond such discussions here in mylot???
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21 responses
• India
26 Jun 07
I respond to discussions topics, which i have experienced in my life, when i have idea about the topic. I dont answer any discussions only for the sake, as it has been started by my friend
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Jun 07
i think this is a very good criteria to use. I think part of my time here is just looking for discussions im really interested in joining blessed be
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@tholitz (1127)
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
I simply respond to discussion which catch my attention and interest. Topics which I think I have something to share and contribute. It's very important to respond with something you know or have knowledge of. I usually go and look to "discussion with no responses", then to discussion that my friends started.
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• Philippines
26 Jun 07
Same ideas with me...
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
well respond first to discussions my friends started, then i browse and look for interesting article or post. i reply when i read something good and interesting. where i can share ideas and thoughts.
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
we have the same point of views.HAppy posting...
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
26 Jun 07
It is usally because one of my friends started a disscussion and also it is close to the end of the month. So i am answering all of the disscuions to help me reach payout. LOL
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• Philippines
26 Jun 07
Thats awesome Shaun!!!Im sure mylot pays you many,many times already...Happy posting...
@munhozmib (3837)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
26 Jun 07
I answer to discussions if they are well elaborated. Also, it must be a good discussion. Not something like: "Do you like me?". I want serious and good discussions. After checking that, I check how many replies it had. I want the Best Response Award sometimes, so I usually answer to new discussions or discussions without so many answers. I don't care about whoever created it, or the Avatar, or the name, or the gender, nor anything like that. I only respond it if I find it good.
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• United States
26 Jun 07
I usually log on myLot, check my earnings and such, then respond to my friend's discussions. I also like "discussions with no responses", "recent discussions", "discussions from my interests" and "new discussions". I'm not very interested in the hot topics or hot discussions, they move wayyy too fast and I can't read everyone's reply.
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• Philippines
26 Jun 07
Opposite with me.I love to respond those topic in top and hot discussions.Because i can share more about my thoughts and feelings.And they are always belong to my interests...
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
I do response if I like the discussion I do sometimes go my friends discussion and answer those that catches my attention then go to hot discussion and answer also those that catches my attention.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Jun 07
i have two types of discussions that i try to answer. First of all i try to answer as many of my friends discussions as i have something to contribute to. After this i will look at discussions from my interests. After doing this and answering any responses I get to my discussions, my time on mylot has generally finished blessed be
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@smacksman (6053)
26 Jun 07
Very simple for me. I see the title of a discussion and think that I can make a contribution to that. I don't look a stars, I don't look at how long they have been here and the standard of english is not important either. But I first look for a discussion that my friends have posted. I like to support them if I can.
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@sanshray (149)
• India
26 Jun 07
The 1st and the most obvious reason will be to earn money. Then there are many other reasons. I post in my friends' discusssions, Discussions which i like and If i just want to post. But the main objective of anyone who is here is to earn money.
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• Philippines
26 Jun 07
i always check on all the discussions that my friends started and respond to those that interests me. i also check on the discussions from my interests and do just the same. generally, i respond to the discussions posted in mylot because they are interesting and i believe my opinion counts.
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• Pakistan
26 Jun 07
i respond to hot/top topics firstly then i go on searching for my friend's new opened discussion and then i go on searching on my interest page, but i never get attracted with avatars lol it seems funny posting if the person has good avatar.
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@rdougl (469)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I normally respond to discussions that I find interesting, then I look up those discussions started by my friends. Some of the avatars are pretty cool though.
• Portugal
26 Jun 07
I answer because I need money...just that
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
26 Jun 07
Hello,gwapako,i will only reply to the discussions fro my friends as i will receive the new discussions from my friends in my email,of course i cannot reply to all the discussions,i will choose those which can pique my interest,the avatars are not important as i will focus on the discussions themselves. I will reply to discussions only if i really have something to say.i do not want to give one line replies.
@mschiqui (1284)
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
me,i always keep my friends notify on, so that i am notified when they had started a discussions, so taht i acn quickly reply to their discussions, and also i respond to thsoe discussions which topic i like and those of my interests.
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@mexshyl (878)
• China
27 Jun 07
Hi, Gwapako_28. Good point! That's always what I'm curious about. As for me, I usually respond to those which my friends started or I'm interested in. I'll also choose those I have somthing to say. In addition, new discussions or those without responses or of new users are my favorite choices because I enjoy to help others as possible as I can and find some new good points among them. I like the feeling of sharing with others. Thanks for the good topic. Happy posting! Have a great day! :)
@alpine_007 (1469)
• Pakistan
26 Jun 07
i respond to discussions because i like responding to them and to help people on mylot and i also reply to discssion because it has been started by my friends
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@b_gryl (419)
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
I respond to discussions because i'm interested and i can relate with it. I like those discussions where i could answer very well because of my interest with it. Also, i always look at the hot or top discussions of the day but i choose which discussions would fit my interest and which also attract my eyes. I never look at the avatar because the more important is the topic he/she started.
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@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
26 Jun 07
yup, check with my friend first, and then browse around, but usually i respond to what i can relate, give respond as long as i can...hehehe :)
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