Buying Referrals

June 26, 2007 8:26am CST
Hi friends.I am planning to buy some 50 referrals for Mylot.I browsed through the internet last night for sites offering guaranteed referrals for a certain amount of money.Do you think what I am doing is a wise move?Or is it a blunder?Am I wasting my money by buying referrals?Just felt that I would clarify it with you guys before spending money.
3 responses
@sanshray (149)
• India
26 Jun 07
I wont reccoment that you do something like that. Even if they guarentee the referral, you cant be sure those referrals will be active. Suppose you buy 50 referrals and only 10 of them post....then you will be wasting your money.
• India
26 Jun 07
Oh I see.Thanks for your valuable piece of advice.
• India
27 Jun 07
Oh so you bought referrals?Okay then now my mind is made up.I will never resort to the easy method of buying referrals.I shall strive hard and earn money on my own efforts.
@touchnshine (2821)
• India
26 Jun 07
Dear gurumoorthy88 I will not recommend this .. how can you be so sure that these referrals will earn you money on mylot .. 100 people join mylot everyday and leave it soon. It's like a gamble .. if you wish you can enter this gamble at your own risk .. But my main suggestion to you will be -- that you alone have the power to earn more and more here on mylot .. Don't worry you will soon come to know what exactly you have to do here .. to earn more. All teh best to you my dear friend and happy mylotting :)
• India
26 Jun 07
Thank you for your advice friend.Thank goodness I was not rash in my decision.Or else I would have lost my 50$.Thank you all for your advice.
• Pakistan
26 Jun 07
i would never recommend it, they would take your money and how are you guaranteed that they will give u free referals and as sanshray said they wont even be active and even if they are active they wont post much. Its a waste of money and i advise not to do it.