Make a long poem!

October 25, 2006 7:47am CST
Let make a poem k! you must have only 7 words for each line. ok i will start and try to make it rhyme! my lot gives money to everyone here no one knows anytihng until they hear. they stop caring about the rabbits they rear... cont!!!
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2 responses
• Janesville, Wisconsin
20 Nov 06
Giggles You asked for one lol.. I'll post one I consider it a story! If you want to share it with your friends it is easier to post a link to this thread or my page. The Train of Mystical Magickal Energies It was suppose to be about a train I dream about but it somehow took an interesting turn, into a story about self esteem and stress release. - DNatureofDTrain ======================================= The Train of Magickal Mystical Energies. by D. C. L. "DNatureofDTrain" (c)2000 Oct. 29- Nov. 4. There is a magical type of Train, That can only be rode upon the astral plain. It is strong and full of Mystery, An American legend, Mr. Jones, had shown it to me. After an in depth meditation, I could finally get some sleep. I had dreamed a dream that had run deep, but left out of body. At first it was just a bit foggy, and a slight chill mist. A full moon above me, and sunsetting bliss. I saw a rainbow appear in the gold, two colorful lines formed the rails of the road. Cayce said, "Dear come with me? I'll help you rid the anger and anxieties?" We walked to the tracks, lined with gold laurel ties, Silvery spikes that reflected peace upon the eyes. The rainbow rails led the moon to the sun, Cayce said, "Hold on Dear.. this will be fun." I knew I'd be with Cayce in the cab, and thought of all the troubles I had. I did not want to wait and see, so I woke up, and missed the train of mystical energies. ..... But, just before I had awoke...he said, “call my true name and you will invoke.” And close your eyes when you are ready, the ride is fun, and safe and steady. You have a invitation my dear, This is one train ride that will be without fear. You have helped me achieve my final boon. I am telling you, your dream may come true soon. I wish you would just ride with me. This train is for you.... It's your Mystical energy. ... A few days later and time had passed, I had sit down for a few to relax. I sat there in deep meditation and suddenly remembered my invitation. In good hopes I whispered and I spoke “Mr. Jonathan Luther Jones”. I did invoke. That nice misty light surrounded me, and I watched with awe as a setting came into place. Totally new experience to me.... I saw the 36 years old legends face, The sky was navy blue as far as I could see, and the sun and moon in it’s place. The golden Laurel ties, and the silvery spikes, rainbow rails, a made the railroad light. I suddenly got a happy chill, and the whistle had an energetic shrill. It was a perky sound, it just made my heart jump up and down. No, the sound did not bring upon fear, But a very calm feeling like when the divine presence is near. But a feeling of peace, a mix of the diesel horn and steam whistle, This sound to any railfan would make their hearts tickle. The Sunset gold had seemed to be faded, the stars shown bright and the sky was blue jaded. It sounds of the beat of the Native drums, and the tracks rang out their infamous hum. By now my hands shook widely with excitement, my heart quaked from happiness enlightenment. If you listen carefully, the hum of the tracks rings a middle f and high c, and the diesel horn played chords of f major and minor c, as the steam whistle screamed at high d. I strained my eyes and tried to see this train of mystical energies. Cayce said, “Not with your eyes, but with your heart, but first the train of unforgiveness must depart.” “Close your eyes and think of the good in life, focus on that positive feeling within you. Gather all your thoughts of suffering and strife, forgive you, put them on a pile and know they are part of life.” He reminds me of my words to others about the pains, losses, births, deaths, and gains. He said open you eyes and see things softy, and I could see steam in a rainbow colored mist. The sounds sang out so heavenly, as the hissing sound of inner peace and bliss. I rubbed my eyes as to my surprise, not even a fictional story could describe. The Mystical and Manifest of energies, coming towards me, the Train of Mystical Magickal Energies. The Native Rhythm of wheels against the rails, magickal feelings of steaming glorious mystical chills. Suddenly we were surrounded by fields of green, Fairies and elves in a mythical scene. Some of the fairies danced in the steam, and the Headlight gleamed a magickal beam. I looked up and saw the stars of night, and then glanced at the ground, was green grass and daylight. The smells were of colorful floral scents and clean. It was not harsh on the nearby trees, it caused a calming, soothing and relaxing breeze. The metal of the engine reflected like glass, and the train itself, was of no class. The Bell did not ring, only chimed, with the spirit of church tunes, and rhythm and rhyme. Night sky above and noontime grass, a gust of cold air, as it just inched passed. The Brakes had locked into their guitar like scream, like a rock’n’roll tunes, make feelings redeem. I knew that I was astounded, as I stood there dumbfounded. Cayce, waved his arm to get my attention, Then he smiled, at my uplifted expression. I stared like a statue at the awesome gears. He climbed aboard and said “Come on Dear..” I snapped out of it, and felt sudden fear. felt lonely and unworthy, and them came a tear. I sat on the ground not wanting to go. Cayce was astonished and asked “why?” he wanted to know. I just broke right down and started to cry. He asked, “Why? Do you not want to Go?” I replied, “It ...... it.. just doesn’t feel right.... ya know?” “Come on hun let’s climb into the cab, you have to get out of feeling so low, and so drab.” He had then reached out his hand, I pulled myself up, looking down at the land. I was reluctant, and still did not want to go, But, at the same time was curious, about what he had to show. I have never ever seen this type of cab, I cannot describe it. Words make it drab. I stood by the window, waiting to meet Sim Webb. But Cayce Said, You are the engineer.. I fire instead. I said, “No, I will not do it. I will not be at the controls.” To much stress on mind... I noticed their was no wood or coal.... I said, “Cayce there is no tender on this train, how is it fueled, I can’t see the flame?” He told me to grab that pile of unnecessary worry, and release the inner angers and worries. I could feel the energies within the tracks, it was healthy and glowing, happiness, no slack. [[[I thought for a moment, and took a grip on the throttle, Then in the corner I noticed a message in a bottle. Cayce said, “Said go ahead hun. It’s for you to read.” “I wrote this after you have set me free.” I shrugged my shoulders, and not used to gifts, I held onto the bottle, and the cork I did lift. I did not want to insult Cayce, so I opened and read it. “You have freed me, now I want to free you. But I can not communicate directly to you. I know that from the day of your birth, You have never noticed your true self worth. Many around you, can easily see. The goodness that comes from within thee. You are a priceless gem of God. And in your respect I smile and nod. You are bound for reason, that even I do not know. Don’t let the wrecks, and derailments, get you down. Remember you once saved some lives in your town. You will still do a whole lot more. You have alot of good things waiting for you in store. Others around you, can sense that you are down. Behind that phony smile you pass around. You are not afraid to have fun, but when it comes to your self worth.. Why do you run? I wanted to help you break this connection, but it will hurt you more and lead to destruction. You must accept this sight as your gift. When you speak of what you know, Be proud, and let your spirit lift. Your a indescribable as words can not say, How such a great person that you are today.” I folded the paper up, and then ripped it up. I sat on the stool and would not look up. Cayce then had said, with a tear in his eye., “You know, that as well as I, after a wicked vision, you feel really high. And you even think even more clear.... Stop it! You Stop it now! You are focusing on your fear!” Do as I say right now and trust me, I am trying to help you reach YOUR destiny.}} That turd then pulled the stool from under me, I landed on my butt, and ended up giggling. He wipe away that tear, and smiled with glee. He reach out his hand and him arm was wriggling. I slapped his hand and stood up, saying” leave me alone!... why don’t you give up!” He sat on the stool, and the light bulb lit, The scene had just changed and he had.. had it. You either get up and take the controls, Oh I’ll remember the wreck, that I tried so hard to let go. I know that if I can not help you see what you earn, Then there is no point to my return. I will just stay here and be miserable. That’s what you want anyhow. You think I am an A**shole. I wish I knew why you helped me, You never sang the song or would even listen to stories. This is one thing that does prove. You are very kind soul, ...please make the move. The scenery was slowly changing, The mystical bell, no chime now it’s clanging. The whistle start to change into that 6 chime. I said, “Cayce are we ba
• Janesville, Wisconsin
20 Nov 06
Sorry some of the lines are longer then 7 words... However.. That is the longest poem I ever wrote. I hope you like it. Take care - DNatureofDTrain
• United States
7 Dec 06
Alpha List Love Poems Sonnets Contents Home Copyright by Nicholas Gordon My love for you is simple, deep, and strong. I feel it flowing towards you from my heart, A tide of unsophisticated song, Sung with much desire and little art. I cannot tell my love, but it will show In ways that even I cannot foresee; A love as full as mine must overflow Into everything that makes me, me. Just as the sun must shine to be the sun And trees burst forth in blossom every year, So I must love in ways that everyone Can see or sense or reason out or hear. Still, I'll tell you of my love in this: For fear, despite all, you might my love miss.