Healing the mind and spirit: Day 1

July 15, 2007 9:19am CST
I have recently started using a set of cards called the 'Healing the Mind and Spirit Cards' and every day I shuffle the deck and randomly pick out a card. Starting from today I have decided to share these cards with you every day and discuss what each card means... or rather what they mean to you and if you think they are accurate ect. Today's card is - "I perceive my difficulties as opportunities for spiritual growth: You can learn more when there are many obstacles than when there are few or none." Now that card is very accurate for me at the moment as I am having a fair few problems and I believe it is right, I will learn more with all of my problems and learn how to handle them properly, and learn how to handle my stress levels. Although I'm having a hard time with the stress levels I find that this card is very insightful and makes me have less doubt into solving my problems. What are your thoughts?...
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