Cant we just get along?

July 16, 2007 10:20am CST
White,Black,Yellow,and Brown. no these are not the colors of a weird flag, these are actually the colors of the human race! Why cant we all set aside physical differences after we are all human right? why is Race a huge factor to every human being? can someone at least explain?
1 response
16 Jul 07
I totally agree with you. We should all get along. I think it is like this because of society and I feel it has a lot to do about how each person is raised on what to believe. Race shouldn't be a factor but it is but I feel if we teach the new generation to accept all people we could have a better world!
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
right! its a matter of good orientation to teach our children about different races. We were raised to get along with other children irregardless of their different backgrounds.