being envy with relationships

August 2, 2007 3:58am CST
your presently in a happy and healthy relationship, contented and seeing yourself growing old with the person but when you see pictures of friends with their partners or pictures of couples do you get envy on them seeing how happy they are or how great they are doing? its really weird but i have a friend who's in a happy relationship but keeps saying to others how envy she is to others.
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6 responses
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
Hi there bluishrose! I am very much contented and happy with my marriage with my husband right now. It is not a perfect relationship and I doubt if anything such as a perfect relationship even exist. The best thing is that we are willing, and we do work on our differences and are willing to compromise. Therefore, I don't feel envious when I learn about my friends' relationship with their partners. In fact, I feel happy for them. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins and it really can be deadly. I think that you should be happy with what you have because nothing and no one's perfect and you should feel happy when your friends are happy with their relationships. It doesn't mean that they have a perfect relationship but it only shows that they're willing to make it work. I think that's what your friend should do instead.
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
Wow thank you so much for that great response! Envy is really deadly!
@michele609 (1687)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I personally think that it comes natural sometimes. I am in a happy realtionship but for the time being it is long distance and sometimes I get envy of a couple walking down the street holding hands becasue i wish that i could do that all the time.
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• Philippines
3 Aug 07
Its kinda hard being in a long distance relationship, you have limited time together. Thanks for responding!
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
2 Aug 07
Hi. I've got the same situation with your friend. I'm so happy and contented with my boyfriend but there were times that i feel that, like seeing a family with kids. Maybe because i've been longing to be married and have kids. I know it will come to us, guess thats only natural. ANyway, take care. (",)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Aug 07
Before i had that feeling too longing for kids that's why i always want to see family at malls and envy them. But its different right now i learned how to be patient and i know God will grant it at the right time. Take care too!
@akudaniy (76)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 07
there are proverbs which says "neighbor's backyards are always better". It means that we always see others are better than we do. Others always have better things than we have. I think it's just a psychological matters in every man that they're always not satisfied with what they have. So the problem comes from ourselves. Why don't we start thinking that we have everything perfectly fulfilled rather than always see others and envying what we don't have? Start to think that we can do anything... We have everything already..
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• Philippines
2 Aug 07
That's very interesting and well said. Thanks so much!
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
2 Aug 07
Yes, I am in a happy and healthy relationship. This is exactly the thing I've searched for all my life. When I was with my ex, yes, I used to envy other couples a lot. I used to watch them and see how they love each other, how the man shows off his love for his partner. I was already miserable with my relationship as it was, and seeing happy couples together made it even worse! But God loves me. He knew what I was going through, and I guess, He just meant for me to learn to be wise and strong, because He had better plans for me in the future. I was going to meet and share the rest of my life with the man I truly deserve. Maybe your friend is going through the same experience I had. Maybe she just can't talk about it, but deep inside her she is unhappy. Maybe God has something special for her too, if she would only ask for it. Today, I am perfectly happy and fulfilled with my life... I cannot ask for anything more... I can't believe I don't even care to look at other couples together any longer, until I read your discussion!
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• Philippines
2 Aug 07
That's very nice, yea maybe she's just isnt vocal on what she really feel. I might try talking to her and maybe she will say something. Thanks for responding =)
@Xanyee (20)
• China
2 Aug 07
sometimes we do that just to make others approve ,gaining more love;sometimes,actually,there're more hardships under the superficial happiness than you can image but we only need to cherish and appreciate the moment when love benckens us for we are always not being grateful for what we have until we lose it.
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