Work At Home

@myfanwy65 (1030)
United States
August 4, 2007 9:36pm CST
Do you know of any work at home companies? I don't want to do the paid to click/read sites. I already write for Associated Content and Helium. It's just not enough to do full time from home. Any ideas?
4 responses
• United States
5 Aug 07
You can check out they have a lot of great resources plus a huge forum full of ideas
@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Thank you. I had not heard of that website. :D
• United States
5 Aug 07
you're welcome! I hope you can find something there
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
5 Aug 07
There are companies who hire people to do call center jobs from home. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Alpine Access. If I remember right they pay $7-9 an hour and it's part time usually. I know it's legit because my ex worked for them for awhile when we were really strapped.
@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Thanks for answering. I've tried Alpine Access and they don't hire from my state yet. We are planning to move to another state, and they do hire there. But, until we move I can't work for them. Thanks for the info, though.
@nolipo (407)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Are you looking for a traditional job you can work at home, or a home business? If its the latter I've got our company information and various links on my blog
• United States
5 Aug 07
Yes there are a lot of great opprotunities out there. I am making a second income from home and trying to save up for my wedding and honeymoon. So far I have not been disapointed. You can view my blog at