What you feel when you travel in long hour alone?

United States
September 4, 2007 12:00am CST
Scared, Nervous and worried that's what i feel when i travel from Philippines to Ohio. Its my first time to travel alone for almost 24 hours, its hard for me because its my first time too to fly alone. Im too much scared in every land in airport for the changing of flight, because im in a connecting flight, im always run to find on my next flight. Im a shy person but im not ashamed to ask anybody at the airport, i always bear on my mind that i dont need to be shy especially i didn't know the place and the airport is to big, its hard to find where im goin. Everything is new for me. Tell me guys what you're experience about on your first fly?
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2 responses
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 07
I was 14 years when I flew on a plane for the first time with my mum. The plane took me on holiday to Greece. I so enjoyed taking off and looking out of the window at the ground far below. Wow! As the plane went into the clouds it was a bit boring. As the plane got ready to land and came gradually out of the sky I got pain in my ears. I was 18 years old the first time I flew alone. This was on a plane to Finland. I went there to work as a children's nanny. I did not mind being on my own. The flight was interesting as I saw some lovely landscape when the plane landed. When I went alone to Tunisia the weather made the plane shake around in the air. It was terrible because I got hot coffee split all over me. I was sick when the plane landed in Tunis. Then I had awful ear pain and deafness for half an hour on landing in Sfax. Thankfully I wear ear planes when I fly these days. These are plastic screw like things that help my ears in the air. Wow! They avoid all ear pain for me.
• United States
5 Sep 07
Hi Maximax8, oh wow!!! You fly everywhere.. Thanks for sharing your experience. Have a great day
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
4 Sep 07
You are right to be scared.The airport is a scarey place and when you are alone it is worse..It feels like you are all alone in a big place with no one you know.You cannot wait to get to your people, then and only then do you feel safe and secure....I have only flown once and it was scarey for me...I had to take benedreyl to calm me down.It was a long flight from San Antonio Texas to Hawaii,we changed planes 2 or 3 times..So it is scarey but just watch yourself and stay around a crowd and it will make you feel somewhat better.
• United States
4 Sep 07
Hi Slickcut Thanks for your comment. Yeah your right. The airport is scary place when your alone, sometime people don't understand you, especially when i was in Tokyo i ask 1 guy but sad to say he didn't understand me, because he don't know how to speak english. Have a greet day and God bless. I really appreciate your response.