Matchbook Football

@stealthy (8181)
United States
September 11, 2007 11:14pm CST
Did you ever play matchbook football? It is probably disapearing or going by a different name since many places don't allow smoking anymore, thank goodness, and thus don't have matchbooks with the name of the restaurant or bar on them. But back in the day even though I didn't smoke some of my friends and I would occasionaly play this while waiting for an order in a casual restaurant or in a bar. Two people sit on opposite sides of the table and take turns with one having his hands on the table with fingers or thumbs stuck up to form goal posts near the edge of the table and the other person would balance a matchbook on one of its corners and try to "kick" it through the "goal posts" by thumping it with a finger. It can be fun for a little while, but can be embarrassing if you happen to get an extra strong "kick" off as I did one night and the matchbook flew over my opponents head and onto the table of the people behind him. Fortunately they just laughed it off.
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1 response
• Canada
20 Dec 07
I have never played or heard of it that I rmember sounds like it would kill time for sure