Should this show stay on tv?

United States
September 17, 2007 8:35am CST
I have a problem with the tv show girlfriends it has too much of adult material if you know what i mean.And i notice that a lot of teenagers and kids are at home when this show comes on. Do you think this tv show should stay on tv or should it be move to a later time to show on air?
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4 responses
@Alex_C (8)
• United States
17 Sep 07
Compared to a lot of other shows I think this one is ok. It could be a lot worse, like the person above just change the channel, if you don't watch it it will be easier for your kids not to watch.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Well if parents don't want their kids watching the show then they should turn or send their children out of the room. I mean seriously there were shows on when I was a kid that had adult content and material in them and my folks would send me to my room so they could watch it. Or if you don't like it don't watch it. I mean hell they have a hundred different things available for parents to block shows that they don't think are apropriate for their children. Stop trying to sensor tv just cause you don't like a shows content.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
20 Sep 07
To me the show is not that bad from what i have seen when i used to watch it.I have not seen it in a while but it i think it should stay on and like other members say i guess put a block.
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I think it should stay on tv, and parents should be more careful about what their children watch. If parents don't want their children watching the show they have the ability to block it on the tv so the kids can't watch it. If they don't know they're watching it, then it's the parents fault for not keeping a good enough eye on their kids.